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Everything posted by stubbles

  1. Working on some engine sounds as well. These are not 100% final. Hoping to make custom sounds for everything though. https://soundcloud.com/stubbles-1/rd-171 https://soundcloud.com/stubbles-1/rd-120 https://soundcloud.com/stubbles-1/rd-58m
  2. I'll definitely have to tweak node points and collision - I'm getting a lot of failures on my 1st stage decoupler, where it meets the second stage engine. Always the annoying part >_< On the plus side, I finished the 1st stage fuel tank, yay! Unity Editor/In-game Just for fun
  3. Right now it's sitting at 52MB, including some custom engine sounds. There are still two more textures to complete (stage2 tank and RD-120 engine). But both of those are kind of already accounted for, since there are placeholder textures on them. So I wouldn't think it would grow much larger.
  4. Nice! Hopefully it'll work well for ya I have a lot to do on the diffuse/spec, but I'm calling the normals done at least. This is the 1st stage fuel tank for the RD-171
  5. @Dragon - thanks! Energia is definitely on the list. Though the Vostok-1 is next on it
  6. nDo looks daunting at first, but it's really quite simple. It's pretty much just a series of Photoshop actions, wrapped in a fancy GUI. There are a TON of tutorial vids on Youtube that walk you through the process is using it, step by step. If you're interested, I suggest picking it up, it's super handy.
  7. Are you using an emissive texture for anything? If so, you might want to break those pieces off with a different material. As dispatcher stated, normals might be tweaked on the mesh, so make sure they are averaged out. Texture padding between UV islands is definitely important as well. Depending on the size of the texture, you may need quite a bit (roughly 3px for a 512x512, 12px for 1024x1024 and 24px for 2048x2048). Also, your spec/gloss settings might be a bit high? Looks like you're just getting halo fresnel from the shader. Might want to tone those values down and see if it helps.
  8. I only know how to edit them in Photoshop. You just need to make sure that the background/base layer is empty - completely transparent. When you save it out, don't flatten the image - just do file > save as > png. Sadly I don't know about editing PNGs in those other apps =\
  9. The size isn't so bad right now. We'll see Figured I'd show some sketchup links. The materials and textures look like crap in Sketchfab for some reason, not like Unity/KSP. Those pics I posted above are straight from Unity Editor and KSP - both of which seem to have far better material and specular rendering.
  10. Thanks guys! Glad you're liking it so far. finished up the engine finally, here's some shots:
  11. Here's two WIP shots of the RD-171 main engines. The diffuse is about 70% done, but I haven't really done anything to the spec yet, so it's a bit glossier than it will be in the end.
  12. Well, it's not straight forward to me ;p For instance, what does the emission and speed variables control? Why are there multiple ones and why two sets of numbers after them? For example: emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.66 0.0 emission = 0.69 1.55 emission = 1.0 1.65 speed = 0.0 1.45 speed = 1.0 0.55 I've got no idea what those numbers are doing. Obviously they are controlling particle emission and speed, but in what way? There are a lot of variables to mess with, but nobody is saying squat about what they mean or can do.
  13. Hah! Nice work You have to make a new empty game object in Unity and parent it to the engine/ship. Call it thrustTransform Gives me a hankoring to get my BSG ships into KSP, haha ;p
  14. The cougar MFD pack is also a neat sim addition: http://www.thrustmaster.com/products/mfd-cougar-pack I use it for playing DCS sims like A-10/Blackshark. I've got it propped on my lower monitor, using Helios software to render bits of the control panel inside their boundary. Here's my setup: I really want that Nostromo
  15. Well I won't be writing plugins, I'm just an artist. I guess I'll just be sticking with vanilla effects on my engines.
  16. OP was never really answered - is there no documentation on this system anywhere?
  17. Thanks! Still working on it right now though. Texturing isn't done and I'm still sorting out config issues. I'd guess another month or two until release. I swapped back the tanks to use LF/OX already, so that should help.
  18. Been messing around with HotRockets FX stuff. ;D Got the fuel issues all sorted, but I'm dealing with other problems now. Never ends! hah.
  19. Thanks guys, got it working. Just wish we could scale the effects =\
  20. I take it you still can't have multiple FX per-engine with this? Say you had an engine cluster with several small engines and one large engine - is there a way to have the smaller engines use a different FX on them?
  21. Here's the script: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1482056/getVectorTool.ms You're using 3dsmax I take it? If you're using Blender, I'm not sure what alternative there is for it.
  22. Ah okay, so the value was derived from the fuel quantity I desire - makes sense now Was wondering where the heck these things were coming from. I need to tweak things a bit, bit it's definitely working better now. Thanks so much, guys!
  23. Wait, so what does the 180 "units" come from? Units of what? The values worked perfectly btw, thanks!
  24. Oiy. So what's the ratio math I need to use then to nail it every time? I did what Moar suggested, in order to get those values. I can't find any solid info on this stuff.
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