Comrades, allow me to present to you the Soyutz! A safe* and reliable spacecraft for all the classy cosmonauts out there! Features: *Redundantly sturdy for the landing challenged! (Testing has shown the lander to sustain a 18+ m/s lithobraking manouver with no damage, and crew capsule has been shown to survive a 65+ m/s litho"break") *Redundantly fueled and nuclear-ly powered! *Landing retro rockets for firmly planting the lander on uneven terrain or a wobbly landing *Classy styling and tolerable part count for lower end computers! *Staged to create NO orbital debris!** *Mechjeb safe! (Testing showed Mechjeb capable of piloting craft from launch to touchdown with ease) * Subject to pilot skill and ability to resist radiation sickness ** Subject to pilot techniques ***Mechjeb pictured for testing purposes only, .craft file does not contain Mechjeb and is a 100% Stock craft.