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Everything posted by AlexM

  1. Me Me!!! I wanna help! In all seriousness if you are hiring rocketeers I would like to help you
  2. Just put the jar files in instead of the craft.file. derp.
  3. Could do that with my daedalus craft (It is in Orbit).
  4. i HAVE made something of this description, I can go round kerbin (or at least 3 quarters berfore I increased the amount ofo fuel and it seems to work fine. Does the orbit have to go out of the atmosphere? Mine cant go higher than 17000 meters on a good day (once the fuel is jetisoned)
  5. I got to say I have played for about a month and achieved (next to nothing other than) a painful crash into the mun after my impatience getting the better of me and not being able to stop fast forward (twice) but none the less this game is really fun
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