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Posts posted by Lithium-7

  1. 15 hours ago, Solsy said:

    First off, this planet pack is awesome! Ive been looking for something to play instead of RSS and i really dislike the stock system sooo this was literally perfect.

    This planet pack for some reason seems to have been also scaled at 10x?(at least frontier), which im not complaining but i am just generally curious why this is since i thought this would be stock scale. I am running some other star system mods at 10x but the rescale is done by each individual system pack and not by mods like celestial rescale. 

    Frontier is internally considered Kerbin, so that would be why. You'll get this effect with any homeworld.

  2. 4 hours ago, ilikejeb said:

    Hey, what about making a discord server for the mod? 

    it would be kinda cool to get quick support from other players and to share our findings,missions ETC

    also how do i config scatterer so frontier's atmo isnt blue like kerbin's.
    EDIT;okay i got rid of the stock folders from scatterer but it is still blue, gonna try getting rid of astronomer

    EDIT2 getting rid of astronomer worked wonders

    Astronomer's Visual Pack? That's only meant to affect stock planets, so it's only going to apply to Frontier- which is still internally considered Kerbin.
    It shouldn't be used with any solar system replacer packs.


    6 hours ago, Viisuri said:

    have this problem as well, only way I found to fix it was to disable ring shadows

    On 7/18/2023 at 9:22 AM, barleybun said:

     I recently installed this mod, and there's a bug with the ring shadows. I'll have a normal shadow on the water, with a second ring shadow that follows the active vessel around, and a third that's overlaid on the skybox in its normal position. Any help on fixing this?

    image link

    I think ring shadows are just buggy. My mod handles rings exactly like any other Kopernicus mod; there's no special code of any sort. So it's most likely not a problem on my mod's end.

  4. Released an update which adds support for Blackrack's beta Raymarched Volumetric Clouds to Nem!
    This config features occasional rain in the crater oases and canyons, sparse high-altitude clouds, and constant fog in the areas near water. The volcano smoke plumes are now also volumetric, but they may be a little wonky as I'm unfamiliar with making my own textures to control the new volumetric clouds, so please report any bugs or oddities you find!
    New screenshots being added to the OP momentarily.

  5. 15 hours ago, Lisias said:

    No apologies necessary. Miscommunication happens, and when the sides don't share a common mother tongue and culture, it happens a lot. :)

    Usually I would say "let's not do it again and everything will be fine", but that would be naive from me. None of us intended this to happen, and yet none of us made anything purposely wrong - so there's really nothing to be "fixed" and, so, well… This is probably going to happen again eventually. 

    So I would just say instead "everything is fine, and if this happen again, we will handle it as we did this time and it will be fine the same".  :)

    Worst case scenario, I walk from the discussion a couple days to put my temper under control and come back later. :D I'm grumpy, not evil! :)

    (not what happened this time, see below)


    Apologies not necessary, really. Had you didn't got defensive and just walked away, we would not have the chance to make amends and the exchange would be a complete waste - so, really, no apologies necessary.

    No hard feelings at all. Don't worry about, I'm grumpy, not evil. :) 

    Note: I'm on a temporary medical condition that is hindering my ability to operate computers, but yet still have some pressuring issues on Day Job© and so I end up prioritising my "stamina" on Day Job© and ended up neglecting you in the mean time. There's not too much I can do about until I'm healthy again, so I ask your patience in the near future about my response time!


    That's okay!
    And by the way, FWIW, I always find a way to slot KAX into my addons list. I just like having prop engines available, but AirplanePlus is usually too big since I try to keep my install lightweight wherever possible. I appreciate the short list of parts for that reason; a lot of redundant parts tend to bloat file size.
    My career campaigns always start by touring the home planet using aircraft, so having early-game propeller engines is handy.

  6. 2 hours ago, Lisias said:


    • I'm not criticising being criticising by you. I'm criticising the criticising itself
      • ergo, I'm not criticising you neither
    • I'm not mad by being criticising - sometimes I'm a bit annoyed, but never mad about it.
      • (but being annoyed is on the Maintainer's job description, so it's my problem - not yours)
    • Please understand that I'm talking about how you did something, not about you doing it.


    Neither do I. I'm in "engineer mode", I'm trying to address the problems, not the people. We, engineers (being from Software or anything else) have this habit of going straight to the point, without mincing words - usually jumping straight to the throat of the problem.

    We are problem solvers, and we don't solve problems by being tender to them - on this subject, we are pretty aggressive: we want them dead. :) 

    What leads to the point that triggered my "engineering solving mode": you wasted your time working on a problem you think you found without the necessary background. I'm not even complaining about my time, because I don't see explaining KAX's designs as a waste of time (it can be a bit annoying sometimes, but this is my problem).

    But your time and effort I would prefer to be used on problems that are really problems, what we will not manage to get if you jump into conclusions without the proper background. There're things on KAX that need improvement for sure and I'm unaware, these are the problems I would prefer people focusing on.


    The key word is "immersive". Players need immersion in order to be involved on a simulation, otherwise what we get is a Fantasy game with unusual rules.

    Anyone with the most basic knowledge of the Space Race or even the initial attempts of Flight (on Air and on Space) have problems with the current Tech Tree, and you will find evidences on add'on authors trying to fix them on this very Forum, on the most diverse tech trees (or the very interesting Unkerballed Start).

    The very purpose of an Add'On (or "mod") is exactly to provide something not found in the base game, not to just extent it - we are not Private Division's employees, we are not free workmanship to be used to do their work. We do things because we want them in the base game, because we think the base game is incomplete or unbalanced or whatever - i.e., we are not extending the game, we are kinda of rewriting it as we want it to be.

    A bit at a time.

    So, by definition, talking about game balance on an Add'On that thinks the game is unbalanced and so need some parts is, well, a pleonasm and a redundancy by itself.

    KAX is one of these Add'Ons, trying to fix a terrible gap on the Tech Tree - damn, starting your first airplane with jet engines? Seriously?


    Yes, and that's the "problem". You weren't able to identify the engine's use cases because you don't have knowledge enough to understand them. And, so, ended up wasting your time and efforts on calculations and theories that were completely unfunded.

    I.E., you missed the whole point of the Add'On at best, and the point of modding KSP at worst.


    But yet, simulations need to have some degree of realism otherwise we lose the immersion and the game lose its meaning.

    That's the different between a SHMUP and a KSP game session using BDArmory.


    We are going to need to agree on disagree on this one. I'm not meaning to be rude, but I'm not going to be subjected by what I consider rudeness neither (i.e., disrespect for my time).


    Well, you said (emphasis are mine): 

    And this is a criticise:

    But, and again, I'm not criticising you by criticising me - you are entitled to disapprove something I do, and you are welcome to pinpoint my faults (otherwise I would not be aware of them and, so, will not fix them - failing on my role as Maintainer).

    Of course, I'm entitled to agree or not.

    I'm criticising your criticising because I would like a better use of your time and efforts, in a more productive way.

    Of course, you are entitled to agree or not.


    Yep, and a clarification I tried to provide.

    Our communication failure was probably due the assumption that I got annoyed or offended by being criticised (or whatever), while I was being plain objective and straight to the point. On my line of duty, we consider this polite - why forcing the reader to read 20 words when the message can be sent using 10? Their time is so valuable as mine.

    Ah. This is one of those cases where the impossibility of telling tone through text becomes a problem.
    I apologize for wording my question poorly, when I said oversight, I hadn't meant to say that I thought it was an oversight, just that it appeared to be one from what I could tell at the time, assuming that my initial assumption about the design intent was right- and I had, naturally, begun to suspect it wasn't, as KAX did always appear to be a very deliberately designed add-on.
    "If KAX is meant to be tuned in a very stockalike way, this is an oversight. If it's meant to be more realistic, this is not an oversight."
    That's why I brought up stock balancing(which I now realize would've better been phrased as tuning).

    The reason why I thought you were rude was because I've encountered similar situations on the internet before, where people have made very similar replies with the full intent of being rude. This looks enough like that that I couldn't interpret it any other way, as I've never encountered this engineer mode thing before.
    Sorry for getting defensive! No hard feelings, right?

  7. 20 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    Stock parts are anything but balanced: the first space flight was not manned. The first powered aircraft was not a jet engine. Turboprops were invented after the jet engines.

    The very reason for KAX to exist is to provide aircraft parts to fill the Stock gaps on the tech tree, so you can fulfil the initial aircraft contracts with more historically accurate parts if you want to add a challenge to the game.

    Or just play sandbox and do nice historical things like


    (craft by kcs123)

    You are criticising  the "balance" of  the parts as they were power ups on a SHMUP game.

    You are essentially telling us that the following aircrafts are exactly the same thing:

    dc3-flying.jpg SAAF_C-47TP_400x300.jpg

    That isn't what I meant. I never intended to be confrontational, I was just unaware of your intention with KAX.
    When I say balanced, I didn't mean... realistic? I must admit I don't understand why you interpreted it that way. KSP stock parts are unrealistic for the sake of game balance; I'm fully aware of this fact.
    I only meant to clarify where I was coming from. I never said that there was no difference between turboprops and piston-radial engines. As a matter of fact, I'm not even familiar enough with aircraft engines to notice that the two were from completely different eras entirely(though this is partly because of stock KSP's art style homogenizing the two from a layperson's perspective).
    My question had nothing to do with realism. I never mentioned realism because I simply hadn't considered it.
    Your reply, however- more so this latest one than the first- does come off as more than a little bit presumptuous and rude.
    I'm not even criticizing the balance. I was confused about the balance. I just did some math, thought the result seemed a bit weird, and asked for clarification. That's it.

  8. 2 hours ago, Lisias said:

    Yes. The AeroSport is a turbo-propeller engine, while the D-25 is a piston radial engine. The modelling is more or less accurate to the Real Life™ counterparts.

    And it's by design.

    If you want to build WW2 or early Cold War airplanes, the piston engines are the way to go.

    If you want to build modern era, general aviation aircrafts, you use the AeroSport.

    This is a (pretty cartoonish, admittedly) simulator, not a SHMUP.  The technological level of the part is part of the use case.

    Fair enough, I just assumed that the design was meant to ensure every engine had a viable gameplay-related use case, like how stock engines appear to be balanced.
    I don't think the comparison is accurate, though, considering that stock Kerbal Space Program is not a SHMUP.

  9. I did a little bit of math and found something odd.
    The two entry-level prop engines (at least in Unkerballed Start) are the A7 AeroSport and D-25 Radial. The D-25 has about a quarter of the AeroSport's efficiency and double its thrust, so you'd think it would fit its description as a heavy, inefficient and powerful (entry-level) heavy lifter engine, right?
    But... because the D-25 is so much heavier than the AeroSport, its TWR is actually only half that of the AeroSport, so it can actually lift less weight.
    A7 AeroSport: 9.8 TWR
    D-25 Radial: 4.94 TWR
    Is this intentional? It seems like a pretty significant oversight. I'm having difficulty imagining any use cases for the D-25 as it stands.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Mrpasta44 said:

    have tested the pack and most visual mods work fine, OPM and MPE work too. mods that edit orbits might not work depending on MM load order
    I love how your mod looks with mine :D

    I would use your mod in my current playthrough, but it looks like it still doesn't have new biome maps yet. Is that right? Or do the original biomes line up?

  11. 15 hours ago, Cytauri said:

    This is looking great! I do have a question, how may I make this work with a mod like:


    //Reapply Minmar Kerbin Rings orbit/properties changes after Techo's Stock Planet Revamp
    			%description = Minmus is the smallest moon orbiting Kerbin. From the surface of Kerbin, it is clear in the sky, sheparding her beautiful rings and holding them in shape. \n\nBut it wasn't always this way- about 300 years before the space program was founded, Minmus was captured and passed uncomfortably close to Kerbin, forming Kerbin's rings and emptying the collective bowels of Kerbal civilization of the era. It was only safely circularized thanks to the Mun. \n\nSince then, though, Minmus has become far more popular, especially once Kerbals began comparing it to a scoop of mint ice cream.
    			tidallyLocked = true //Tidal forces at this altitude would cause locking.
    			initialRotation = 40 //Done so that the Greater Flats face Kerbin.
    			//roche limit for minmus and kerbin is a bit less than 1800km
    			//Simulated in Universe Sandbox, I found this setup to be quite stable, and made the new texture based on this simulation.
    			semiMajorAxis				= 2000000 //3000000
    			eccentricity = 0 //The Mun helped to circularize Minmus in this orbit.
    			inclination = 1 //More stable orbit, rings aren't inclined in this version

    Just put this in a .cfg file and put it in your GameData folder. That should correct any incompatibilities for now.

  12. 15 hours ago, Cytauri said:

    This is looking great! I do have a question, how may I make this work with a mod like:


    Firstly, thank you for linking my thread here. I might use this mod myself, it looks amazing!
    I'll check it out and see if it works out of the box. Minmar Kerbin Rings does not modify planetary surfaces, only orbits- so it may just work fine as-is.
    Edit: It seems like this mod is re-writing a lot of values in the affected stock planets that it really doesn't need to be. I'm not sure why this is- you'd think it would break compatibility with a lot of mods for no real reason. But I can probably fix it by running my mod's changes after this mod.

  13. I put together an MPE delta-V map.
    I recognize that some of the transfer values/times aren't super useful. Depending on how fast you want to go, delta-V can be higher- and in Soden's case, you can definitely get more efficient transfers.
    For the most part, I just use Transfer Window Planner for that. I mainly use delta-V maps for planning landings and moon transfers.




  14. This is a set of comprehensive patches which add new Parallax surface textures and scatters to the various bodies included in Outer Planets Mod and Minor Planets Expansion.
    Two patches are available; which are meant to be installed separately. When installed together they will merge and overwrite some files.
    Both patches are in 2k resolution, as this is the resolution I use for playing Parallax- though many scatters directly reference assets from your Parallax_StockTextures install, which is a required dependency.
    The Outer Planets Mod patch also includes a few custom scatters for Slate and especially Tekto, including new models. These two bodies also come with new science definitions(supporting DMagic Orbital Science) that reference these changes.


    All screenshots taken with AVP, Better Kerbol with no light curves, no tesselation, a personal downrezzed verison of Parallax_StockTextures, and 0.4x scatter density/range. (these are the settings I play with)


    Life on Tekto



    Petrified trees on Slate

    Scatters on Thatmo

    Scatters on Havous

    Scatters on Ervo (screenshot uses my MPE_AVP configs from my Miscellaneous Module Manager Mods post)

     MIT License

    Copyright (c) 2023 Lithobraker

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
    copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  15. I noticed a couple minor errors in ScienceDefinitions.cfg.

    Link-MikeyLandedHighlands = The ices here have a large clay component, giving it a red ting.

    This should say "Lint-Mikey", and "red tinge".
    Should the science defs include the dash at all, though? Lint-Mikey's internal name is LintMikey.

    Edit: I did a bit more research. It appears that the science definitions don't actually work at all ingame. I'm not sure why, but it may have something to do with the fact that they don't use a localization file.
    Edit 2: I converted some of the defs in the mod to use a localization file and they work now. I'm going to do this with the rest of the science defs and then post them here... along with full DMagic Orbital Science defs I wrote myself, as a bonus!

  16. I've amassed a small collection of handy Module Manager configs that I use whenever I play KSP, but none of them are really worth releasing on their own.
    So I'm not. I'm releasing them all together.
    Github Repository
    This repository contains a wide variety of configs. There's one to make the Mun more realistic, one that dynamically fixes Parallax compatibility with SigmaDimensions, one that makes SunkWorks engines cheaper, and a bevy of small tweaks to the tech tree; some of which support the stock tech tree, Community Tech Tree, and Unkerballed Start.
    I've included a folder that slightly buffs USI Life Support parts, and there are 3 more involved tech tree mods that add new nodes for SunkWorks, DeepFreeze, and WarpDrive (Interstellar standalone) to the Community Tech Tree/Unkerballed Start tech tree.
    There's a small patch here that adds Astronomer's Visual Pack support for Minor Planets Expansion bodies- mostly glows for the airless worlds, but also clouds and a Scatterer atmosphere for Ervo.
    There are also new science logs- one for Minor Planets Expansion, and one for Parallax_StockTextures(which replaces some existing science defs, and adds new ones). Both support stock and DMagic Orbital Science experiments, and the latter also supports Crowd-Sourced Science.
    That's about it. More details are in the readmes on the repository.
    I might add to this in the future, too.

    The Mun Realism config works well with my Minmar Kerbin Rings mod, which places Minmus close to Kerbin. Without any additional patches, Minmus and the Mun are close together.
    Mun Realism is meant to be used with MKR- and if you do, I've made a small modified delta-V map for this combination of mods.



    MIT License

    Copyright (c) 2023 Lithobraker

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
    copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  17. Nem - Binary Companion for Eve

    (All ingame screenshots were taken with Astronomer's Visual Pack, Scatterer and Parallax enabled.)

    - SUMMARY -
    A new binary planet companion for Eve, Nem is a volcanically active desert world with sweltering temperatures, massive volcanoes, deep canyons, and an oxygenated atmosphere.
    We don't know precisely how it's able to maintain this atmospheric oxygen. Some say the planet is actually hiding complex life, but this couldn't possibly be true.
    How could such a hostile world possibly sustain life?

    Regardless of its habitability, Nem represents a unique opportunity for our interplanetary SSTO program.

    Because of its low gravity, reasonably dense atmosphere and oxygen, Nem is ideally suited for an SSTO mission- especially if ISRU technology can be utilized.
    Ascent with a traditional lander, meanwhile, may prove difficult- as its aerodynamic properties will matter far more than a similar mission to Duna.
    At least your parachutes will work great!

    - FEATURES -
    Nem has an extensive feature set, including full science logs for almost every relevant stock science experiment, spanning each of its 16 biomes.
    This also includes full science logs for every usable DMagic Orbital Science experiment!
    For realism, it moves Gilly into orbit of Nem, as its previous orbit would've been unstable.
    However, as its hill sphere would be too small to be reasonably playable if Principia is installed, it will instead put Gilly at Eve's L5 lagrange point if that mod is enabled.
    Eve's rotation period is also modified to tidally lock it to Nem.
    If Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered is enabled, the mod will not touch Gilly/Gillian's Comet, and otherwise supports Alternis Eve just fine. (Though enabling Alternis Eve's rings is a tad unrealistic.)
    It includes custom Parallax surface textures, and even custom-modeled surface scatters- which can be installed optionally.
    The mod includes its own basic EVE clouds and supports Blackrack's beta Raymarched Volumetric Clouds, but if you have Astronomer's Visual Pack  installed, it will hook into the mod and use your AVP install to generate its own clouds and auroras.
    It also supports SigmaDimensions. This functionality is now dynamic, meaning it will adjust Nem's HazardousBody setup and Eve's rotation period according to whatever configuration your SigmaDimensions install is running.

    - DELTA-V MAP -

    - SCREENSHOTS - (Spoilers!)



    Raymarched Volumetric Clouds support (requires Blackrack's beta Patreon build of EVE Redux)


    Nem supports (but does not require):
    Astronomer's Visual Pack
    Community Resource Pack
    Environmental Visual Enhancements (Supports Raymarched Volumetric Clouds and old-style clouds)
    Distant Object Enhancement

    Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered
    DMagic Orbital Science

    Tarsier Space Technology (ChemCam and Telescope)

    - DOWNLOAD -
    Requires Kopernicus!
    GitHub Link

    Quick disclaimer- this is my first ever full celestial body made in Kopernicus.



    Updated Nem's surface features to remove the obvious features lifted straight off of Mars, and replaced them with newer, more original ones.
    Valles Valentus has notably moved, grown even longer, and gained a huge river.

    Desaturated the color of the flora on Nem a fair bit.
    Removed the unused Career folder.

    Tweaked the Sigma Dimensions support to instead dynamically read your rescale settings, and modify values accordingly.
    This means Nem now supports every possible rescale config.

    Fixed empty InSpaceHigh crew report.
    Actually distributed the dependencies this time.
    Removed dependency on CTTP, which I had forgotten to distribute.
    As Nem is licensed under CC BY 4.0, I cannot redistribute CTTP, since it's licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

    Added Tarsier Space Technology and ResearchBodies support.

    Added Raymarched Volumetric Clouds support for Blackrack's EVE private beta. Old clouds still load if you do not have StockVolumetricClouds installed.


    Niako's Kopernicus Utilities (bundled) is licensed under the MIT license.
    Link to Niako's Kopernicus Utilities

    Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er (bundled) is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
    Link to Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er

    Select textures from the old Environmental Visual Enhancements default config are bundled with the EVE support patch (everything except for Nem_Volcano_Smoke.dds), which is licensed under the MIT license.
    Link to Environmental Visual Enhancements legacy github page

    Parallax surface and various scatter textures created using Moss 002, Ground 054, Rock 029, Rock 030, Rocks 011, Rock 022, Rock 018, Bark 001, Foliage 005, and Leaf 002 from ambientCG.com,
    licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License.

    - LICENSE -

    Nem is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.
    You are free to:
        Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
        Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
        The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
     Under the following terms:

        Attribution - You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
        No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


    You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation .

    No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.

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