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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. +1. I'm using this along with the MMI Kethane mod which generates fuel. It would be great if I could do more than 1 transfer per instance if possible. But at least there is a workaround.
  2. You seem to be very defensive about your code and that "bug report" was very clear. I knew there was a step I was missing, why I asked. But sorry for the confusion, I thought the slider was a progress bar XD. I tried again with this new slider theory you guys came up with.. :] worked. Thanks for the mod and help.
  3. Just wanted to say thank you to all the guys w/ MMI for all the work you have shared. These mods are amazing.
  4. What about optimization? I'm not a game dev, may be to early to suggest as new content is coming out. But I would be more excited to hear about improvements regarding FPS lag, over vBulletin implementation, cockpit views and scenarios. I do like the progress you have made towards fixing bugs etc. Windows 7 64 AMD Phenom 9150e Quad 1.80GHz 4 GB Ram Radeon 6770HD 1GB
  5. This is great. Helped me get a picture on rocket capabilities. Thanks!
  6. I can't manage to get this to work with 0.16, that's the version I tried this on. I downloaded and installed the most recent release posted. So I got the source ship built with the transfer pod (ship on cart in pic), transfer rcs tank and a 400L fuel tank. I got the destination ship with a rcs tank and a 1600 fuel tank. I waste the destination ships fuel down to about 200L then try to transfer 400L's of fuel from the source. But when I setup the ships and tanks and click 'transfer' it doesn't do anything. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/vT3ZC.jpg
  7. Diggin the attention to details, designs and colorations. Overall it looks great. I just hope they work, I haven't had much luck with your previous satellite release so.
  8. I downloaded and installed the plugins and parts. But the 'Regular solar panel' part is saying it can't be used my version. I'm using v0.16. Evey other part works though? Kind of renders this mod useless atm. Looking forward to the kethane part.
  9. Downloaded; http://tiny.cc/KSPMM1440. Went to install and got this pop up error: "This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows installer package." Re downloaded etc. same thing.
  10. Ceres MPCV 0.1 (for V0.16) I can't get the parts to snap together properly. As from the pic, the very small top piece doesn't snap to the heat shield. The thrusters won't attach to the decoupler. I was able to get of the other pieces together but I had to do some awkward manipulation and stacking. Nice parachute though.
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