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Everything posted by Kommitz

  1. I did that on purpose, I feel like a plain scaled down LV-N makes probes and the like too easy. Ah I thought I was clear enough in the post/spaceport description that these parts wouldn't replace the others. Had to do it because the attachment nodes and colliders are slightly different now, and I wanted to naming conventions to be a bit clearer for the sake of organisation.
  2. What did you texture it in? The hand drawn lettering looks odd. Graphics programs (even MS Paint) have a typing functions that you can use for lettering.
  3. BUMP! Check the first page. I might be working on a smaller engine... Re-uploaded! I know the old ones were working, but I wasn't happy with the quality of them. Re-uploaded two of them while I finish the other(s).
  4. I would quite like to work on D4 too. Will it be long before you try to do anything with the other island?
  5. It's best to keep collision meshes as low poly as possible, although with due regard for the underlying shape. (afaik) They also have to be convex, so for concave items (such as the cargo bay) you'll need to build a cage of convex meshes to fit it. This whole project is looking brilliant by the way. I love the style and execution and the cockpit is looking really good.
  6. I think you would do better to make a couple of parts first and learn how to make them well before going on and making a huge pack. As it is most of the things in this are just resized parts with no sense of coherent design (did you make them or not?) and the proportions get ruined with every single weird squashed transform you give them. The different levels of decimation are mostly redundant, most of these parts look low poly to begin with. Not to mention that having parts at ridiculously low polygon counts isn't going to be of any use when the rest of the game uses a higher level of detail anyway. Also also I'd suggest using an imgur album to show things off instead of sketchfab. The number of windows in the first page is slowing it down a lot.
  7. I'm not really aiming for stock-alike with these engines, I'm just trying to make the texturing technique fairly similar (simple, limited colour palette) so they don't look completely out of place. Also I like the red-green colour scheme I'm working with at the moment so it's staying. I might put out an alternate texture pack if people are interested though, I could always do with the practice and it's nice to have some variety.
  8. I'd animate them properly if I knew of a plugin I could use, but currently they're just rotating around the gimbal.
  9. I'm taking a very long time texturing things because, although I like the results, I find it a bit boring. Just be glad I'm not a developer :E I use 3DStudio Max for modeling, and GIMP for textures. If you can model something then importing it into KSP is really the easy bit. Here, have a look at the 240 (now the 280) on a space tug I built :
  10. I'm not a programmer either, but... JPEG is a compressed image format. If you were to look look at something like a bitmap on the other hand you'd see a correlation between image size and pixel count. Data compression is not something I can pretend to understand.
  11. These are some lovely models, I really like that upper stage. Russian rocketry just looks cool. Also I gotta take note of some of your low poly techniques.
  12. I'm going to release a few tanks (the toroidal one included) when 0.21 is out. I'm currently reworking my fatman engines and I'll put a collection of round tanks out with them when I re-release the pack. In fact... Here's the FTmN 240 re-work that I'm currently finishing. Including a thrust vectoring mechanism on the model, trying to make it look a bit more 'atom punk' and lowering the polygon count in the process! The other nuclear engines that I posted are going to be in a pack that I'm planning out to use semi-realistic nuclear propellants, which I'm aiming to release soon too. They'll need big tanks to carry around all their propellant which should make them different to play with compared with standard engines. And since they use 'hydrogen' propellant, I'm considering implementing some kethane functionality so you can mine water/ice on other planets! That'll be down the line though. I'm waiting until someone produces a suitable plugin/I can convince a plugin maker to help me. I've no hope of writing my own for ages. Hah, neat. I am slowly working on some larger gas-core parts but I might reserve them for a 'blatantly overpowered' pack of theoretical engines. Considering doing a nuclear jet engine too, which would be a bit broken in KSP due to the lack of fallout, political fallout or any worries about throwing nuclear reactors around in the sky...it would also not require any additional fuel.
  13. Thanks all! I've just uploaded a new pack of things to spaceport, mostly fuel tanks and an engine that I've been posting in my WIP thread for ages. I'll be uploading the rest of the engines and a few more tanks soon. Engines are basically re-designs of the FATMAN ones for the most part, but now made with fat cylinders rather than spheres. So it's mostly just down to what you prefer the looks of. Nucleonics Stock Compatible Parts Check the first post for more info. Perhaps. I've got ideas for other nuclear engine types first though. I'll probably get around to re-texturing them soon, as I'm doing a lot of texture work right now.
  14. Haha sure, would you be OK with it weighing 22 tons though? I'll leave big engines for what I've finally figured out how I want to balance them. Currently I've got in my mind an 'afterburning' nuclear engine for high thrust use. We'll see. Also working on textures currently. I want to add more 'depth' than in the first engiens I did:
  15. Those Xenon tanks really round out the pack, makes building slightly large probes much more feasible now. Plus the models look nice for what they are.
  16. Update to my stockalike Double-Nuclear-Rocket. Fixed the textures (I actually re-mapped the whole model) and converted them to .tga format, fixed the fairings so that they no longer show up in the thumbnail and added some addsitional detail to the model. Double NERVA (stockalike) v2.0
  17. Seeing as I've been workign on updating this part, take a look. I really like this sketchfab thing.
  18. Ah that's not really true for game assets, as every quad is split into it's constituent tris for realtime rendering. Using tris intentionally can give you some more flexibility in making realtime models. I would definitely recommend getting Blender or another polygon modeler if you want to learn about making game assets though.
  19. I've definitely considered these things, and have roughed them out using modules, but the results are very messy. Ideally I'd do a plugin that allowed usage of multiple propellants, and production of a certain amount of usable heat by each reactor that could be used for propulsion or power generation if the right equipment is fitted. Also a heat management system because I think that's something sorely lacking in the game currently. I'd like to write a plugin that will allow nuclear rockets to use anything that will flow through them as a propellant, but as I say that requires a plugin to work cleanly. I'm an 3D artist more than anything else so plugin writing will have to wait until I've either olerant more about coding, or found someone to help. Anyway. I work really slowly but here's what I've been doing recently, tidying up the old engines to match each other and putting some nice shiny normalmaps together: Hoping to release some stock-alike stuff soon. I've also been toying with a less dense propellant and fuel tanks to facilitate the stuff. A cool idea in theory, but the ingame Nuclear Engine kind of ruins it because it's unreasonably efficient using standard rocket fuel. Why make a massive rocket to accomodate un-dense fuel when the standard stuff works just fine? I'll try some rebalancing in a more full-on mod pack. For reference it's a 5m (taking the standard tanks to be 1.25 and 2.5m) diameter part.
  20. This is just the 'minimalist' flag texture from the default flags included with the game (*ksp directory*/GameData/Squad/Flags...).
  21. I'm surprised the stock game hasn't got anything like this already, it's great for making rovers compared to the stock bits.
  22. These look excellent and the texturing looks great and everything's just nice. So, yeah. I am excited to get my hands on the release.
  23. 1: I'm only doing nuclear engines at the moment, although I have a pln for a higher thrust variant included in them. 2: Not at the moment. I'm just doing things to fit with stock. Nope. I make parts one at a time and the most time consuming process isthe making/texturing rather than doing the configs. Also here's my first Mun mission of 2.0 showing things off. Looking good even if I say so myself:
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