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Everything posted by animalcross

  1. Scott Manley suggested that the constant of gravitation is higher in the Kerbal universe.
  2. 79. Slamming into your jettisoned stages.
  3. Why not have both? Hibernation a more primitive solution, FTL a more high tech solution!
  4. Laidnum edadic - Changed it up a bit, Portuguese for "World City"
  5. I'd think that in three years the game be at least released with some people at squad working on expansions and others moving on to new projects.
  6. Kerbol: Multiple low flybys, multiple crashes. Moho: Unmanned orbit, impact craft. Eve: Landed Kerbal, failed to return. Gilly: Landed Kerbal and returned. Kerbin: Space Station, orbit, landing. Mun: Space Station, small base, landing, return, multiple rovers. Minmus:Landed Kerbal and returned, small base. Duna: Landed kerbal and returned, multiple rovers. Ike: Never bothered. Dres: Nope. Jool: Landed multiple probes and kerbals. Laythe: Landed probe. Vall: Landed Probe. Tylo: Landed probe. Bop: Nope Pol: Orbit Eeloo: Landed and returned.
  7. .21-.19 ~ 1 Month .7~.16 ~ Usualy 3+ Months
  8. Fun fact: My current PC is twice as powerful as an iMac for the same price! Nice markup there Apple.
  9. Don't want to sound rude, but I am a civ nerd, and must inform you that that tree is civ V vanilla. The current tree for BNW is much changed, no more industrial pinch.
  10. I accomplished this a couple days ago. I was testing a new lander, I crashed, the entire game had a seizure, repeating the same five frames, and repeating the same sound.
  11. Thats kind of cheating, the dark side thing. Plop some more lights on your craft. As for Ozi, check your screen brightness. It might be low.
  12. I suggested this a while ago, even before the Kerbalizer came out. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/16820-Idea-Kerbal-Outfitter?p=234542#post234542
  13. I think just including the symmetry option in the VAB is easier than a new building.
  14. Right now no. I'm planning on using them for boost's to my Min colony when Kethane Fuel @ LKO takes off.
  15. Well, I've wanted a reason to restart for a while. Time to go de-orbit my giant stations. EDIT: Also have to redo this VVV
  16. I did squat, unless being in mental distress about wanting to play the new update counts. Regardless I'm planning two things: A: If saves don't brake (unlikely) I will continue my main save. B: If they do, I will have a giant rage and deorbit my huge space station which took for-EVER to build.
  17. I doubt well get a new planet this update since Nova's on leave. We could be surprised though... Regardless, I want to see the astronaut complex because I suggested something similar a while back and want to see if any of my suggestions got noticed.
  18. I did this back when .13 was out. Don't know if someone else had done it but its the first that I knew of.
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