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Everything posted by animalcross

  1. You print/save the list of people who have bought the game already at 11:59 PM on April 30th, granted that's a lot, but its the best guess I can think of.
  2. In Florida, if I remember correctly, teachers are paid based on test scores. That is brutal and unfair. Luckily my Math teacher this year threw test taking strategies out the window and actually taught us the material.
  3. Granted, but you got to see GLaDOS and become an Aperture test subject. I wish for ideas for a reusable space vehicle.
  4. Yeah now that I think about it, the lander preforming the change makes the most sense, since It has tons of DeltaV and incoming rockets may not have as much depending on their loads.
  5. Found it when I was looking for free games on Google. This was around .11
  6. Granted, but a maniac comes to power and actually succeeds in invading the US. I wish for the XboxOne/PS4 flame war to stop.
  7. If you've played before probes, you can take the loss. You should've seen my .15 persistence file, WAAAY to many kerbals stranded on return from Minmus.
  8. That's a hard question, my colony only has one module right now and I can expect at least a dozen coming in, plus remember each one has to come in from Kerbin which means it swaps from my SpaceTUG to the landing vehicle at the station. EDIT, my lander has 3k DeltaV without any cargo, after landing it has around 1.5k, yet the inclination change alone takes around 500. Its more of a question of convenience for me landing the cargo and not having to perfectly line up the inclination every time or risking incoming spacecraft and having rescue missions.
  9. Duna, it's really the next easiest place. After Duna I headed out to Jool a few times, landed on Laythe and haven't gone farther out (I'm still coming for you, Eeloo!)
  10. Try the Kerbal attachment system with Mechjeb's translatron.
  11. I'm currently setting up a Kethane mining colony on the Mun, yet I'm not sure weather the station should be on an incline, forcing incoming ships to adjust their inclination or having landers to adjust the inclination, I would like to have some feedback on which is the better option. I apologize for the large image, couldn't get the spoiler working.
  12. Depends on what you consider a sphere. The Oort cloud (which I'm going to go ahead and assume will have a KSP analogue here) could have mining stations and solar collectors on it, in essence making it useful as, but not quite a Dyson sphere. It would be cool to properly build one though. Depends how far technology will go in the game.
  13. I doubt this is possible, may give it a shot at one point though. I think your best bet might have to result in dropping at least one stage.
  14. Happened to be looking for some cool free games back when .11 was out, came across KSP!
  15. I can consider myself one of the lucky ones...
  16. I don't think we should prepare any actual bases knowing the history of save's breaking with updates, yet I agree that some transport/tug design ideas are warranted. I do tend to sort of design a ship before a release, such as back a few days before .18.
  17. Your High Quality Spacecraft Shop! Logo Fix Soon Our Spacecraft: Duna I Popgun Meteorology System {PICTURES SOON} Mission Details Make Meteorological Surveys Photograph Kerbin Surface Test New Technologies Crew Capacity: 1 Mod Requirements: Zyoxygen, Electric Power Simple Flight Tutorial: Countdown Turn on SAS Liftoff, vertical ascent until Solid Booster runs out. When liquid engine ignites, burn slightly on an angle in desired direction. When out of fuel, turn into a retrograde position. When over apoapsis, press space to initiate 5-second retroburn. Wait until desired altitude to deploy parachute. DOWNLOAD: [ATTACH]34375[/ATTACH] Feedback is allways appreciated!
  18. Well its probably not a game problem cause I had a whole colony with around 15-20 landers down there... and I lost my savegame... (yells at PC)
  19. I kind of adressed this in my Kerbal Outfitter idea, the link is at http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16820-Idea-Kerbal-Outfitter. I agree, landing on Eve would be a nightmare with the current packs.
  20. I tried it in .15, you can do it with just RCS. I might re-do it tomorrow.
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