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Everything posted by EnigmaRaptor

  1. Time after time, I find myself clicking and dragging the camera view bit by bit just so I can keep the planet I am orbiting in view. I would absolutely love to see a new camera view which pins to the apsect angle to the ship and the orbited body. However you drag the camera, it will maintain the same angle with relation to the ship and the orbited body. This means the camera is constantly rotating with the position of the ship as it orbits a body, thereby keeping the body in view (if that's how you set it) at all times. The ship could spin around its own axes without affecting the camera.
  2. Procedural generation of terrain would create a more detailed and consistent environment than manually painting each planet. The devs simply don't have time to hand carve every crater and island. I think what you're missing Steven, is that the players may come to expect procedural environments to look better than hand crafted. And largely, they are correct. If a player is aware of a style or technology that they expect will make the game more pleasing to look at, and they know the style or technology by name, then there is no fault in asking for it.
  3. Definitely adding more to the science tree. It seems short now and I feel like I am just getting started by the time everything is researched. I guess that might mean more parts or more "computer" functionality like Kerbal Engineer or Mechjeb? I absolutely think the concepts from remote tech should be added eventually, but with a less strict requirements to make it work. remote tech is too cumbersome to be any fun for me the way it is now. And finally, but certainly not leastly... Imaging sensors for science! It's one of the basic ways we actually DO science, but it's not in the game!?
  4. The reason for my request is that I have a T.Flight HOTAS-X that I use for KSP, which stays plugged in at all times. Generally this works great, and control signals are received by KSP when I use the T.Flight. However, if I happen to forget that my Logitech Rumblepad 2 is still plugged in, I get the annoying surprise at launch time that the stick is unresponsive. So I unplug the rumblepad, but KSP requires me to completely restart the game before detecting the T.Flight as active controller. If there was some way to at least trigger a re-detect in game it would save so much time! Ideally I guess the game could just do a detect when a USB plug or unplug event occurs. Thanks!
  5. I wouldnt want KSP to go for hyper realism. It's better with keeping a cartoony feel to some extent. That's where the Kerbals belong.
  6. I like the idea of having to do a manual line of sight launch, except that orbiting is hopeless without any way of knowing what your apoaspis and periaspis are. They would have to add some info readouts to the cockpit or camera views. I know you can figure it out if you have the time and motivation to "do the math" or research known orbital velocities, but honestly that is something for hard-mode players and your average beginner player is going to just quit when they don't understand what they need to do. I agree there needs to be a technical barrier to getting out of kerbin orbit. And also more use of the antenna would be cool. Mods already prove many concepts.
  7. Clearly the game knows which resource parts can be used to fuel/power resource consuming parts. In the VAB we should be able to see which resource parts will automatically feed the part you are hovering over, then maybe also show which parts can perform resource transfer to/from any other resource part you hover over. In larger crafts i find it is a nasty surprise when you have to manually transfer just to keep your engines running during a critical burn. Knowing before hand would have allowed me to place the right fuel lines to connect.
  8. It would be awesome to have an option to overlay the map view while still having visual on your flight camera. I find myself switching between map and camera constantly during launch and other operations because not all the information i need is in either view. Also having the apo/peri value stick to the marker would be a massive improvement over having to hover mouse to see it.
  9. If you transfer your squad store game to steam does it give them more steam ranking?
  10. I guess the categorization in the forum is not like what I'm used to in development bug trackers. Thanks for the clarification. Is there any place we can go to see if squad acknowledges the bug and to check progress? Thanks!
  11. I don't see that this bug is answered here. There's a "workaround" yes, by checking and rebuilding action groups. But since this workaround is annoying and losing part of the group isn't the intended behavior of the feature it is still an open bug. I can reproduce this bug in .21.1 without removing or moving any parts. Simply reverting to the hangar and then relaunching will cause this bug to manifest. Not every time, but frequently. I have no addons installed. This is a bug I have experienced since at least .19, and maybe even .18
  12. Vanilla KSP has come so far in flight command that I don't consider MechJEB as a required addon any more, but dang it... this SO needs to be a part of career mode technology tree when it is developed. The utility of this addon can be integrated into the game in so many ways! What would r4m0n and team work on if the mechjeb functions became vanilla?
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