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Everything posted by tom1499

  1. Yeah, uh this little thing called, uh, SCIENCE! To do that I'll probably land it on Kerbol or whatever.
  2. Sometimes I kinda think Atomic and Nuclear physics were at a much higher level in the tech tree than the human race could unlock, but by some twist of fate we ended up with it.
  3. I think we have been able to do this for quite a while, just nobody has taken any notice. But I gotta say, I know its an early prototype, and with more accuracy it would be much better, but it doesnt seem to make stuff easier for him.
  4. His plan to use Ion engines means that COT and COM don't need to align, they are so weak they wouldn't do anything. And if we want efficiency and the like, then a metal tube would be easier and fit more than the abstract Enterprise.
  5. Whenever my local post office receives a parcel for me I have to drive into town to pick it up. Wait no, my local post office SHOULD receive it. They don't. I have to go into the city to get it. Dont get me started on DHL. They don't even deliver to my HOUSE!
  6. THE J THINGY BROKE! So you cant add reputation and can only quote by double-clicking. Well for me that is.
  7. Apoloo sounds like apollo. Apollo 13 went bad. Take away 1 3 from 13 and you have 3. Half-Life 3 announced. Ok I'll go away now.
  8. Fine work we have here. If the J-thingermebober was working I would give you a rep. But it is not therefore, the rep will wait. Also, I think floating garden on Pol is best, Pol is AWESOME!
  9. Rc planes do this, and RC planes land fast. You are probably going a touch too fast.
  10. Well I think he kinda GOT MAULED BY LITTLE ALIEN ROCKS! I think, I'm not too sure though, It was a few months ago when I saw it.
  11. As a kid who started home-schooling 3-4 years ago I can say that it is becoming a more and more realized fact among people recently that the education system is flawed. At least in many peoples opinions, that is. It is an old system, and as a counter-argument to SpaceHole , teenagers aren't mindless. Kids can be genius. But the current education system doesn't let them be. I am a young leader for my local scout troop, and I can say that the 12-14 year old there can work really well together when they are having fun and with a bit of leadership. But at school they will put in little effort and, at scout meeting, complain about school. They can really put their minds to something, they just won't. If the school system was more Student-Project oriented and flexible, I really think they could do great things.
  12. We are getting hungry for MOAR CHAPTERS! But really, take your time.
  13. Rareden I cant even open this webpage on my kindle fire because it crashes firefox!
  14. Pff... I wish, no docking adapters here, only weird rock things. If only.....
  15. I set up my Cyborg FLY 5 and my old Logitech Attack 3 as rotation and translation, respectively.
  16. If you mean the Animation Studio thing where it included Minecraft models and stuff then no. I think if people want to make KSP animations they should rig everything themselves, rather than be limited to the ones that somebody else made.
  17. I commonly get people saying:"Oh but how are all the conditions perfect for life" and what these people dont understand is that its impossible NOT for the right conditions. The chances of the 'Goldilocks zone' and all other related factors being just right to sustain life are decided by a probability factor. That factor is infinite. The universe goes on FOREVER. Literally, there is no known end according to the current model. That means that there are WAY more that Trillions to the power of Trillions. The highest number you can think of is nothing compared to the size of the universe. Infact they dont even fit together. 'Infinite' is an abstract concept, meaning adding one to the number forever and ever. So the channce of life is basically yes. There are an infinite number of planets, each one different, maybe slightly, maybe hugely, than the last. So if every planet was slightly different, and there were infinity planets, then you have a guarantee of life.
  18. They also got quite a lot right. Something that films never normally do. Not all, such as the polar landing, although the Saturn V cant do that. The LK was quite accurate too.
  19. I think you ruined the point of the SSTO there.
  20. My integrated graphics run it fine... Too bad there's nobody ever on the server to play against......
  21. This is about as fast as my little country gets....
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