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Everything posted by ouion

  1. can anybody close this thread,because everyone don't understand it.
  2. I was map view and i heard a explosion and i look back the engine fell off. i was like WTF happened
  3. is anybody doing the challenge, because there are no replies ?
  4. All stock i don't use any mods
  5. I got a AMD Athlon X2 Dual core 2.1 Ghz QL-65 and 2 logical Processors HD 3200 4 GB RAM It runs perfectly
  6. Androgynous docking port so you can dock with any docking ports and bigger solid rocket boosters
  7. Hi, guys I watch this awesome video on youtube. Its very cool and i think to myself can this be done in Ksp ? I hope you enjoy:D objectives: launch like in the video construct a Kerbin departure stages same design as the video fire the engines (no nuclear engines) separate the external tanks flyby to eve ( don't aerobrake) get to duna once in duna orbit do the same things as in the video release the lander (must have retro pack and a heat shield) land on duna return to the mother ship go back to kerbin must land on water. note: if you don't watch the video you might not know what to do and the mission MUST BE THE SAME MANNER AS THE VIDEO ! IF NOT YOU GET ONLY half the points for the assignment Requirements: All Stock (20 Points) you can use clipping parts in the editor,but not other cheats and no part editing. same Design (20 Points) you can add solar panels Reach Duna ( 20 points) Same style as the video ( 20 points) you can use 2 tanks,but smaller or don't use them. Enough fuel to go to Duna and head back to Kerbin ( 10 points) Extra Points: Plant a flag ( 5 points) That equals 100 Points If you do the extra point that equals to 105 points must be 70 points-100 points to complete the challenge show me video or pictures Completed mission: 1.
  8. Jeb doing gymnastics Jeb riding on a rocket
  9. ouion

    Ksp Eras

    O.7.3-0.9: the beginnings: the start of ksp Start of the forums: Harvester: our first forefather. New forefathers emerge. The first apocalypse 0.9-0.14: classic era: early rockets were built during this era Addon empire emerges and crushes the stock empire 0.14-0.17: the golden era: which means there a alot of crazy rocket designs Stock uprising begins and the stock-mod war begins 0.17-0.20: modern era: we see more realistic rockets 3-20-13: Colonizing period: the game is being spread out into the internet 4-11-13 forum apocalypse: new people gone extinct and the forefathers(which include me) survived. Squad Expansion Plans: N/A: I predicted in version 0.37. 0.20-0.??: the future new kerbal games? 0.??-0.??: the end? I hope you enjoy this:)
  10. I am a realist player so i built "spacecraft that make sense" i like using stock to achieve it
  11. When i pull out the 1-2 Command Module.I always see these little holes that look like Rcs Ports. Are the Devs planning RCS on the Command Module or is just the texture? What do you think?
  12. why is everyone obsess with orbital tugs ?
  13. hey how i open the cheat menu
  14. The CTV-2B served as a transport vehicle for space stations and Munar journeys.(It have my custom made service Module) A Orion MPCV Analog
  15. i made a successful asparagus rocket
  16. hey, this post is suppose to be in off topic.
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