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Everything posted by ouion

  1. if you started in 0.12.why don't you get the forum account back then?
  2. i got a problem with the store account. i can't log in to update it and there it cannot found my email why?
  3. .i play orbiter before,but switch to ksp.orbiter is more harder and cant build spacecraft ingame you have make it as a mod and sometimes mods on orbiter crash or stop working.thats why i switch to ksp and is more easier.when i decoupler parts in orbiter the sim crashes and there is docking in orbiter,before ksp.
  4. when i deploymy odin parachute it got ripped off the top of the capluse. thats a problem can you Tiberion.
  5. i think what version will be in beta 0.29:final alpha version.price of ksp increase 0.30:first beta release.more planets and docking fully added 0.30.1.bug fixes 0.31:heat shield added,reentry flames added 0.33:massive bug fixes.
  6. it means all the features will be complete in alpha stage then in beta,it will be all bug fixes.
  7. If Ksp finish is alpha stage will it go to feature complete means no feature will be added in the beta version and just bug fixes.it will happen or not.
  8. if i can't download here i will download it in a another place.
  9. hey i found a website it got some ksp mods. URL removed it got the nova punch pack.
  10. when i download plugin there is always a source but i don'twhat is it.
  11. it was too late to the landing burn so speed was so high i crashed
  12. can any me rocket design i made one but,can't work.
  13. hi i got problems getting to the mun i sometimes miss it or crash on it.one time i sucssfuly orbit the moon,but crash and exploded.second,I can't get a pefect transfer orbit.I try every thing and fail.Can anybody help me.
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