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Everything posted by Znath

  1. Bundles and bundles of I beams. Several dozen tons.
  2. I like designing ICBM's. Most of them target the desert or a place I call 'big korea' east of KSC
  3. The hope is 1.1.3 or, as I'd like to call it, fixes it Otherwise, it's basically "don't use things with wheels for a while" since landing gear barely work and rover wheels are made of plastic now. It's kind of ruined my game experience for a while, but they'll get it working I'm sure.....
  4. Well... 1.1 through 1.1.2 virtually killed the game for me. The wheels became so weak that landing became like wearing glass ice skates and basically put a 90% dead stop in the progress on my jet-train mission. I couldn't change elevation directions at more than 20m/s without catastrophic failure. I still don't think it was intentional, just a side effect or changing from the old engine to the new. It's still not acceptable. Yes, I should be able to mount up a ton of tiny wheels to distribute pressure evenly on a large ship and yes they should just take the load. Post 1.1 landing gear became brittle and pathetic. It's not a rebalance, it's just stupid. And what for? To rip out a fun game style some of us play? It's not like this game is competitive or something. If it was like a war simulator or prizes for winning, I'd say sure better do some heavy balance and along the way some people might be sore about it. This was just kinda stupid though. Taken all this time to hopefully un-ruin landing gear.... So if it fixes landing gear awesome. I know my lack of playing doesn't hurt them, they have my money already. But I'll wait til then. My main goal is still my circumnavigation mission, it's been most of my gameplay for the better part of a year. FIX THE LANDING GEAR TO WHERE IT WAS BEFORE 1.1
  5. Most of my satellites I launch are just ore-scanners. They're also all over-engineered with ion engines to be able to change orbit.. not that they ever do. So there's one king-probe with the planetary scanner, and then little ones with just the narrow scanner so I can get accurate location data. Kerbin has like 10-12 and Mun has 3 right now 2 polar 1 equatorial. I may soon shift the polar ones to equatorial since that's where the circumnavigation vehicle is traveling. Why wait an hour or two for the same one to orbit when I can put 3 up?
  6. All my ships are made of natural biodegradeable aluminum and steel. After a few hundred years, the scraps will return to the earth. Except for the nuclear bits.
  7. For now KSP is mostly S because interactions with terrain are super buggy. I've tried a lot to compensate for the weakness with extra bracing but it doesn't seem to help a lot. So I guess it's waiting for
  8. Yea my wheels on my beloved train are still only like 50% but it's at least good enough I can chock it up to "rebalancing" I might have to do some redesign if it remains at this level of strength, but at least now I can go around 20-30 instead of 10-20. That's on my original design circumnavigating. I'll also begin trials on the Enerstar Jet-train E7 to make up for these problems I guess.
  9. I've noticed that ships seem to be way more durable. At least during my torture tests of my jet-train it would hit the incline, break some landing gear and go sailing but when it hit the ground it didn't shatter into a million pieces like it usually did. It actually hit the ground and skidded and rolled but the main cabins stayed intact. Landing gear are still really weak, not glass-like as they were in 1.1 but better?
  10. Setting the navbal to 0.8 scaling makes it tolerable I've been experimenting with rebuilds for my Enerstar jet-train project the big problem with that is any time I test and reload the hangar, it crashes because of the complexity. So maybe it's not perfect yet. The small landing gears seem to still break frequently but not as frequently? I'm hoping that fixes more of these issues.
  11. The small gear used to be very durable, they do still snag and break a lot more it seems. They also seem to break way sooner than their stress threshold rating allows. And where the game runs great, it has a lot of crashing problems with complex vehicles. At least now i can crawl back to KSC with my land mission, it's way slower now and breaks a lot, but less often than 1.1 Hopefully will be more stable.
  12. Wheels are "better" but not perfect still. I get a lot of crashes particularly upon large building projects. Eh... at least it's doable.
  13. Stop treating the wheel BUG like it's a normal part of the game... If you have to go through a 10 stage process to make wheels barely workable... it's likely a bug. They're working on a fix. It's just horrible and broken right now. It should be obvious when wheels with 50m/s (over 100mph) impact ratings fall apart under 10m/s. Or repairing one causes the vehicle to go nuts and break. Or the insane lack of any friction side to side. If you're desperate to cope with the bug, sure try what you want. I'll wait til 1.1.1
  14. Only crashes I notice are my ships I haven't done any really lengthy missions but in the hour or so I played it after the update, it ran fine. Usually I'm relegated to like 20fps but this ran nice and smooth.
  15. The wheels thing is a colossal let down for me. Still the new engine is.. spectacular. The wheels thing ... yea. I know it'll get fixed. But 95% of what I do is winged aircraft and my circumnavigation project which is 95% of that. The new engine is a great change though. And when they fix the wheel problem it'll be a huge boost to my projects. I just can't really play the game til it is.
  16. I guess you could try fitting them with probes and air brakes. Deploy the airbrakes when you jettison them to buy some time on their way down. Switch to them when you get out of the atmosphere. Activate parachutes? Hope?
  17. You think that's bad? Toggle "suspension off" and it'll really hop.
  18. I shouldn't have to camber the wheels on a 50 ton vehicle to prevent it from spinning wildly out of control at 40mph..... The problem also causes the vehicle to slide sideways without any input on flat terrain.
  19. Yea I know, I'm doing tests to find out exactly what makes em break instead of just blindly saying it breaks. I've also noticed the sideways motion of the gear is like riding on ice... so that's fun and craft like to spin without any input.
  20. I did drop tests on the landing gear and they can sure smash straight down hard! But at the same time. The second you go driving on em, they just go nuts and splinter apart one at a time. Curiously, my dry-weight land train was the next test and the exact moment the game starts simulating, the runway explodes. This thing I do lovingly call a land train is about 52 tons, which isn't that big for an aircraft. A lot of the weight is from the fuel and I know I've built bigger jets before. What I've noticed in the tests with driving along with the wheels is they seem to drag along the surface and jitter. I've even tried altering the angle to absorb the horizontal impact better and nothin. This jittering I think is also connected to how it annihilated the runway because the wheels push through the ground and cause a high speed impact force on the runway at such a high rate it doesn't register on the "stress" bar. Further reitterating the "they aren't interacting with the ground properly. So far i've tried a lot of alternatives, wider spacing, no offsetting, angling, and the only successful test was the drop. I guess the good news is if you can land your jets vertically or at lower than 20m/s there is "no bug"
  21. I was able to repair my rover wheels with my engineer. But yes, they break like they're made of paper. There's something* wrong with collisions and wheels right now is the popular guess. Either that or they intentionally made them so weak they're unusable.
  22. Exactly Laythedragon. 1.1's performance level is out of this world. I'm pretty confident that they'll fix the wheel and landing gear being made of glass pretty soon. They're unnaturally weak... like their impact rating is 50m/s and they're braking sub20 It's a bug, so... I'll wait. This really really.... really really sucks for people like me who really enjoy planes and land vehicles. But I'm also pretty excited that I'll finally be able to build big stuff!
  23. I think I figured out the stoppage issue. It wasn't related. But the landing gear does really horribly interact with terrain still.
  24. Something I've noticed with my test vehicles trying to cope with this patch... Small landing gear seem to pulse occasionally partially through the ground as they try to follow it. Even while stationary, the landing gear jitter and the vehicle never 100% stops moving some of the time, even on a gentle 5 degree slope. This is on a vehicle with more than ample gear to support the weight. Slowly the vehicle jitters and turns while "stationary" with brakes on full. Upon "disabling" the suspension, this problem more than doubles. It seems to me this IS a bug. This involves the landing gear, for some reason, being unable to move properly as a suspension system. The turn rate is pure insanity I'm not sure if that's related to this, but likely is. I've also noticed the "wheel stress" thing never shows anything even upon impact. Sometime it just .. breaks cause "whatever" The game also annoyingly seems to stutter once in a while... (seems at roughly 50 second intervals)
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