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Everything posted by GMNives

  1. Hi everyone, I wanted to show all of you my first serious attempt at a semi-permenant Munar Lander. I am pretty proud of it, and figured a few people on here might get a kick out of it. PROS - Looks Awesome - Crazy Rotating Floodlights for Darkside missions - Almost every piece on the Lander has a functional purpose. CONS - My launch vehicle is still very brutish, and sometimes getting this thing into orbit is a suicidal endeavor. - Not made with stock parts (I may revisit a Lander 2.0 that uses entirely stock parts for the sake of my Kerbal-Space-Program pride) I have decided to name it the Sam Bell Reconnaissance Lander seeing as it only accommodates one lonely Kerbinaut. Anyone else have any other Landers they want to share?
  2. Hi there, I have been using MechJeb for about a day now. Earlier I built a Satellite and successfully launched it into a perfectly circularized orbit around Kerbins equator. I would like to tilt my orbit so that I am flying over the North/South pole with the planet rotating horizontally beneath me. This will allow me to "map" the entire surface of Kerbin (I'm using that ISA-Mapsat mod). Basically I'd like to know if there's a feature built into Mechjeb that will perform this sort of orbital maneuver. It's all a bit new to me, so I fear attempting such a thing without knowing exactly what I'm doing. Thanks for reading.
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