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Everything posted by the_bT

  1. This is one of my early space planes: I found pitch control to be extremely important in atmospheric flight. If you build your elevator like I did, it will not act on roll inputs, which improves handling a lot. Good pitch control means you can get away with more distance between COM and COL. That will make things easier on reentry as your COM will most likely have shifted by then.
  2. This may be relevant too http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27340-KSP-in-a-High-School-Physics-Class
  3. Just to put things into perspective: You will hit the ground with 6m/s after falling from a height of about 2m/6ft. That's more crashing than landing Other than that I agree... Things get floppy to easily. Most KSP rockets are mostly cylindrical in shape. That would make them pretty rigid in real live. Jet the joints don't seem model that. They look more like a single one-point connection. I believe that should be fixed in some way. Might not be easy to do though, considering how physics engines in general work. For now I would (as it seems everyone) stick to struts. If you put a bunch between tanks you get a pretty rigid multi-point connection. Trade off is the part count obviously...
  4. His suggestion I believe is to keep track of the different realities. The real problem occurs when one players time forwarded reality collapses because of some event someone else caused in its past. For example: I have a ship waiting in LKO for a transfer to JOOL, I timewarp to the transfer window, I jet off, then someone else approaches my ship in LKO while I am away warping, docks with and deorbits it. Now my reality has collapsed. The log file on the server can not be loaded anymore because the events it contains are not valid. Maybe you can find some fancy way around that, but every one of those fixes will limit the ways multiple ships can interact with each other. End of story: there is no interaction at all, and you could as well each play singleplayer.
  5. A social convention I will never understand. Why is "bedtime fun" better than anything by default? Make KSP not Love!!
  6. I too remember the times without map view... in particular one challenge which involved placing some kind of satellite in 150km circular orbit, +-250m. I literally tried for hours to get into that orbit. Mostly because without maneuver nodes you could only make corrections at AP an PE and there was no time warp. So fine tuning an orbit worked like this: wait 15 min, burn a little bit, wait 15 min burn some more, PE turns out 50m to low repeat... The challenge also called for you to closely follow the released satellite around the planet for one orbit to verify the orbit it was placed in. I never managed to complete that assignment. Some time after that the mun was put up. Took us some crazy rockets to get that thing up there. Later, when time warp was announced, someone bitterly complained on the Dev-Board that this feature would absolutely break every and all immersion and should not be implemented. It was a quite lengthy discussion... Imagine to fly to Jool without time-warp. Bonkers!
  7. They are pretty good to build open cockpit planes. And I like those!
  8. Watched a movie, built a plane... Instructions: The center of thrust is a fair bit above COM. (The engine will try to push the nose down) You need to counter that with trim. To get it off the runway trim halfway up (alt + s), throttle 1/3. After take off adjust trim to throttle. Never throttle up more than 1/2. Landing is a bit tricky, cut all power and disengage trim (x, alt + x). Try to touch down as level as possible, brake carefully, keep the plane level with the elevator. .craft file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16335634/Piccolo%20Savoia%20S_21.craft Good Luck
  9. You could use one of the big orange tanks and drain the oxidizer before takeoff, shouldn't be much heavier than the jet fuel only tanks (I think). Technically one tank of fuel
  10. I did the other challenge, might as well enter here too... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25884-Kerbin-Circumnavigation-Challenge-Reloaded-New-Rules-Once-More?p=401251&viewfull=1#post401251 Base time in the Griffin XR is 7693 seconds BUT only because I went around twice... I think I achieved: A Winnar Is You, Precision pilot, Monolithic, Speed demon (but that only on lap two) and my plane also seems to be heavier than the XXGC-5109 of Captain Kalawang. Don't know about the wingspan and length though...
  11. Griffin XR ready to go: I got rid of all useless parts (nosecones, antenna, some struts) and the drop-tanks to comply with new rules and maximize range. Drop tanks were replaced with normal non drop-able tanks. Messed up ballance a bit, but managed to fix that after takeoff by pumping some fuel about. Once around the planet I noticed I still had almost half the fuel left, so I went for a second lap. Double circumnavigation done, landed on runway: Time 2:08:13 Almost blew it a least 4 times... I still can't believe 8 engines do run on 2/3 throttle and 0.01 air...
  12. There you go: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30984-Stock-0-20-Trust-Thrust-Griffin-Long-range-Kerbal-Carrier?p=382435#post382435
  13. This will carry up to 12 Kerbals + 3 Crew anywhere and back, twice. It will also fry them AND your CPU in the process... It is pretty well balanced and can be flown without any aid. There is no ASAS on this plane, add one if you want/need it. Also if you intend to do long flights you might want to use Mechjeb or something though I haven't tried that jet. Action Groups: 1 all engines on 2 all engines off for taxiing only: 3 right engines on, left engines off (turning left) 4 left engines on, right engines off (turning right) 5 innermost engines on, rest off Note: Groups 3 and 4 also activate the brake on the corresponding side. As brakes are toggle only, you need to press 3 or 4 a second time to end the turn. Picture: .craft: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16335634/Griffin.craft
  14. Good to know, might be that I was too busy exploring other planets so I didn't see any
  15. I don't even... What kind of challenge is this supposed to be I'll give it a shot: Kerbin is floating in orbit around the sun. It kind of qualifies as Island and there are trees on it. At least there used to be some, I haven't seen any for a while. They may be temporarily gone in 0.17 ?
  16. Yeah, I\'ve been experimenting with these designs on and off for the last days. More engines was kinda the whole point of the Superhaul so getting rid of them is not really an option, even though the plane can get airborne that way. I want to go far in it, that means I have to go high, therefore I need a lot of lift and speed. To do that, it seems you are better of building smaller fighter style aircraft... I experimented with that and got a bit more range out of 1500kg fuel in 3 rocket tanks than I could ever hope to get out of the ~3000kg fuel on the Superhaul... I still like flying the Turbo around, made it to KSC2 in about 30 or 40 min and did a smooth landing next to the VAB...
  17. A post on the almighty RockPaperShotgun.com (I think this one) I\'m actually pretty sure it was that post, I remember the first video made my ears bleed. It also gives a good impression what getting to orbit meant in those days ;P Also, no time compression pretty much means, if you want to fly some sort of orbital maneuver, you will likely have to wait about 15 to 20 Minutes for AP or PE. AND STILL THERE WHERE PEOPLE ON HERE OPPOSING TIME COMPRESSION ;D I bought the game pretty much the moment I noticed there was a pre-order button. The game is great and the community plain insane. (I remember discussing the question if and how you could build a working model LFE on the IRC!) What could you want more.
  18. Germans had the K syndrome before it was cool 8)
  19. This is... I don\'t even... I was really puzzled about the boosters until I noticed they have 3 engines each ;D Also, I always wondered how well Damned Robotics would work for shifting center of thrust on such asymmetrical designs. Is there any way to get it exactly right or do you just eyeball it while coasting?
  20. I always wondered if you could pull that off since I found out how to rotate parts... Very nice!
  21. Well, I built a big plane and named it Fat Man... It had the low altitude engines on it, those proved to be worthless in every regard. So I made a slightly modified version with turbojet engines and named it Fat Man Turbo. Easy. A third variation with the spiked rocket engines named Fat Man Nitro was hilarious but also not very useable so I only posted the Turbo and the Superhaul that I cant get to work.
  22. Aha! Well, while more wheels seem to help, and the steering issue can be fixed by repairing the the fuel line to the left right most engine (the symmetry tool messed that up or something) it still can\'t get off the ground... I went full throttle down the runway and the wing was ripped of because the thing was too heavy. At least I believe that happened, my fps was so low the plane was gone in 3 frames Ah well, at least the Turbo works... Edit: If anyone can get the Superhaul airborne, feel free to post. All improvements are welcome.
  23. Google Translate detects the word 'kupim' as Slovak for 'buy'. So it MIGHT be a Slovakian person trying to get admin help with buying a gift copy or something...
  24. This is my mid-range all purpose Plane, The Fat Man Turbo. It flies pretty stable and can go about 1/4th around the planet I think. I barely reached the North pole full throttle at about 14000m... Barely satisfied I tried to improve upon that and build a successor, the Fat Man Superhaul. I don\'t know if it handles or if it flies at all, more on that below. Problem is now, while the turbo works, the Superhaul just collapses on the Runway no matter how many struts I place on it. Maybe I\'ve overdone it, maybe my machine cant handle it. I don\'t know. Maybe someone with access to a computer more capable then mine can give it a try? My gaming rig broke down with a dead Motherboard... Well after 8 years time was right for an update anyways. Only my bank account has a different opinion... bloody b****. Anyways, craft files attached.
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