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  1. ...and it's hampering my efforts to build a rocket to land a crew on another planet (just land... not looking to return just yet). I'll mention I'm using exactly zero mods at the moment. So! I ran into this issue a few times in the previous version of the game building munar rockets, but it never truly impeded my progress. What it is... well, it seems that either the 'large' size parts are too weak, or I'm strapping too much thrust under the thing - or a combination of both. Basically, after about 30-40 seconds, once I've reached around 200m/s, the rocket breaks in the middle or so, and falls apart. Data shows a structural linkage failure between one of the fuel tanks and a decoupler - or any two of the 'core' parts. Core meaning, the 'center fuselage' of my rocket. I can take a picture if necessary, I just haven't bothered. Basically, I tend to build my rockets along a central fuselage with large parts (using the 3-man pod), and have extra engines branching off for each stage (currently sets of 4). Anyway... yeah. This is a bit of an issue. This first stage, when I get enough power into it to launch me into orbit, is to get me high enough to make orbit height so I can adjust and make the extra-planetary burn with the second stage. However, that will never happen if the damn thing keeps breaking halfway through. It doesn't make sense to me either - this is probably the lightest lander and 2nd stage I've strapped to a series of rockets... and it breaks every time. So do some of my older rockets loaded into this one too - no amount of struts seems to help. So... are there any fixes or solutions to this? Or, perhaps, a suggested 'working' design to get a 3-man pod to another planet? Also, yes, this is my first post (or one of)... lurked for a while, never had a reason to post.
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