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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Oh by the way, i see that i only have 148 Craft files in there while there are 154, So i missed out on a couple. But mostly everything is in there
  2. So after alot of requests, I took the time myself and downloaded ALL craft of Raptor9 (I'm a huge fan of your work) and downloaded all crafts and divided them by sort in a .zip folder. Here you go, Enjoy! https://www.dropbox.com/s/07ml62e3rlxmio5/Raptor9Crafts.zip?dl=0
  3. could anyone upload/send me a fully assembled buran .craft file please? I really need that!
  4. Anyone got a proper .craft file for Buran and a fully assembled MIR Station please? I would be really thankful!
  5. Anyone has an idea why my KSP crashes when i'm loading the I-8L Bradbury Craft? Pretty weird to me Note: I updated the game with ExcurgentEngineering.dll and the newest Firespitter.dll so the problem cant be there. And when is the pack itself going to be updated? As i understand its really hard to make the pack compatible and stable for .23
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