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Everything posted by slboris

  1. Heh you are right sir . well here it is . its been a long ass time since i took her for a spin so i dont have instructions but u must have MechJeb for it to run .
  2. Yay on the score board . I would love to give my craft to a skilled pilot as im sure this craft can beat my time easy , but cannot see an attachment button .
  3. Right thanks guys seemed kinda weird to have that function missing oh well .
  4. Sorry no edit post button? here is a link to the album as i dont know what i did wrong but the link dosent work . http://imgur.com/a/TYDw5#6
  5. Hey guys first post!! love this amazing game . great challenge really had a blast testing out my trusty Long Ranger with some extra engines proved to be successful could have been quicker but my landings are not the best and the decent stage took me forever . Everything stock +mech jeb here is the album for your review guys.
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