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Posts posted by maackey

  1. SAS modules are pretty much worthless.
    Seems like you've never put a SAS on each node of a space station hub. They may not be necessary for most rockets/ships, but are absolutely amazing for stabilizing space stations.
  2. This map is really helpful for knowing approximately how much delta-v you need to reach planets in the Kerbol system:


    You can figure out your rocket's delta-v by Tsiolkovsky's rocket equation. By looking up the full/empty mass of fuel tanks+weight of every other component and the Isp of the rockets etc. manually, or use MechJeb/Flight Engineer which does all the part lookups and maths for you (the easy option I use :) )

    edit: the ion engine has *very* *very* veeerrrry low thrust, so it takes a long time to go *anywhere* but is super efficient and gives great delta-v.

  3. I've been suffering this too, I hope more realistic aerodynamics will come soon. Having parts of my wing randomly flying off isn't particularly realistic :)

    FAR introduces a very excellent model of aerodynamics to the game, which the OP stated he was using in his first post. Also, wings fall off airplanes in real life. I fail to see how wings falling off while attempting to go supersonic would be "unrealistic".

  4. I know its not strictly science fiction, but Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels are absolutely fantastic. Plus there are like 30 of them, so they'll satisfy for quite a while. (I myself have not even finished the series, but I can't listen to books while studying or working, because it just turns to background noise, and I have no idea whats going on when my brain actually tunes back in.)

  5. I've thought about something similar. Organizing those missions into graphical hierarchies (I don't read big walls of text unless I'm *really* bored) and adding difficulty rankings would be awesome. Categories of achievements would help as well (and be color coded in the mission trees):

    - Ship Design (Build a ship that can do so-and-so),

    - Orbital Operations (orbital rendezvous, space stations, relay networks),

    - Exploration (land on planet X, find anomalies),

    - Surface Operations (land rovers next to other landed craft, build bases, etc.).

    Also, IMO missions need to have concrete specific goals. Things like: "Begin preliminary intense surface study of Mun and Minmus" are vague and not really helpful for guidance. Also, keeping in mind newbies, "Take off your space helmets and breathe alien air for the first time in Kerbal history" not everyone knows Laythe has breathable air. I don't mind flowery language, but I dislike it when it lacks substance.

    spitballing here:

    Hierarchy trees would deal with particular payloads and otherwise be similar in mission structure: manned rockets, unmanned rockets, satellites, probes, space planes, rovers, and combos thereof.

    so you'd have a tree that starts off with getting a kerbal into orbit, landing the kerbal on the mun, etc. and then you'd have a hierarchy tree that starts with getting a rover into orbit, landing safely on the mun, etc.


    So yeah, I think its a great Idea to have a structure for mission plans. I really love the delta-v map someone posted around here a while ago, and if we could have a useful progression of missions be in a similar format that would be fantastic.

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