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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. IMO it's the space shuttle done right. It's simpler in some aspects but they also want to do some things that have never been done before.
  2. I wouldn't expect a production model to drive on Mars anyway. But the whole EV thing is definitely adding to the future martian rovers' (for humans) development.
  3. If the skin on that truck is actually steel then it only adds to my suspicion that he's bascially prototyping the whole martian infrastructure and trying to make money off of it. You could literally cut out a part of the Starship hull and use it to fix the truck.
  4. I actually like it. Was worried it won't be cyber enough after seeing the miniaturized Tesla Truck rendering. The only thing I would change is add a short flat bit on the roof.
  5. How the hell did that happen? They must have seen it coming, or something. Maybe it's intentional? Just like with the carbon fiber tank?
  6. This sounds... familiar. Funnily, this is exactly what happened to me in my recent career playthrough, lol. A tug was necessary too. Back on topic: nitrogen or actual fuel? I'd say nitrogen. The last test was probably ended prematurely. They fixed the problem with a hammer and now started filling it up again.
  7. Are they filling the Starship again? Theres some sort of nearby vapour and no crew around.
  8. Pretty sure there will be a couple more launches before they try catching it.
  9. Just put it on top instead of the side. Oh. That's Starship.
  10. I wouldn't expect Starship's static fire to happen THIS early. Are the real deal engines even on the ship yet?
  11. They do. Orange flames were clearly visible during the Demo stream.
  12. What kind of Red Dwarf novel are you writing?
  13. Interesting. They won't? I must've been out of the loop recently. Is safety the reason behind it? Doing it with SuperDracos is probably the simplest and cheapest way anyway. I'm really not sure how a reusable escape tower could be better than this.
  14. IIRC they never had to do the in-flight abort test to man-rate it, right? It's kind of surprising they didn't drop it at this point. Seems like a lot of work with not much in return. I know it's data but since NASA doesn't require it then they probably trust SpaceX enough.
  15. I just googled 'soyuz success rate' and it was there without clicking any additional links. Works for most of the rockets, it seems. Edit: I just did that for F9 and it shows it's slightly more than Soyuz. Eh, who cares? Team humanity!
  16. Landing F9s is old and boring. Steel Starships are the new hotness.
  17. He's basically trying to become Weyland with all these companies and tech essential for off-world colonization and sustainability. Hyperloop: Mars' atmosphere is basically vacuum so high speed trains should be doable without any special tubes surrounding the track The Boring Company: for underground habitats Tesla: you need to get from place to place on the surface somehow but there's no gas there so EVs are the only option Tesla solar roofs: to power it all (and because getting your hands on a nuclear reactor is probably harder than producing 150t of solar panels) Starlink: to connect all of it together SpaceX: to transport all of it out there Edit: the only thing he needs to do now is to develop brain scanning tech so he can recreate them artificially and start building androids. Hmmm....
  18. Well, if we assume LEO tourism is a thing P2P is a matter of multiple landing sites. Besides, P2P is supposed to keep the reentry heat low while LEO tourism will be much more intense. So, at least imo, P2P is much more likely to happen before LEO tourism, assuming the ground infrastructure is sufficient. Now, I'm not saying P2P will become a thing in the near future (it has problems). I just think saying that it won't but LEO tourism will is a bit biased.
  19. So are those RCS thrusters an entirely new engine or did they borrow it from somewhere else? I'm guessing developing those was relatively trivial compared to Raptors since I don't recall Elon boasting about them apart from saying they are basically mini Raptors.
  20. Man, those birds and bees with UV vision sure do know how to paint and have great fashion designers.
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