I will introduce myself with one of my favorite quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci. 'When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.' So, greetings fellow Kerbanauts. Since downloading this game I have been trying and succeeding in getting my little brave Kerbal friends into the great unknown. To say this game is addictive would be cliche at this point as well as an understatement. It has transported me back to the days of playing Lander (albeit in reverse at the moment) and I can't wait to see this title grow in support as well as features. And a side not to HarvesteR, before you ask, I have been writing my handle the same way since the late 90's. Great minds do think alike Please keep up the amazing work and let me know when I can start throwing money your way for the full game. I will be sharing this with all my friends (please plan some form of multiplayer mode in the future or other AI Agencies vying for contracts etc.) Loving it...