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Everything posted by Neeken

  1. Does it spawn the right way around when you drag it into the scene in-game? My first thought was like you said though, rotating it in blender 180 degrees on the Y axis. But it seems strange that it rotates when you mouseover it. Someone else probably knows better than me
  2. Directional motion blur you say... Such an easy answer, yet so distant from my own thoughts. I tried using the artistic filter, but it didn't really give me what I was after no matter how long I played with it. Maybe I didn't use it correctly. I don't use a lot of PS filters anymore (except for noise etc.), so I sort of forget them / how to use them creatively. The last option is actually how I paint / highlight sparkly stars, which can definitely work as well. My scuffs actually looks more like welds cause of the normal map making them stick out. They should actually be a fraction lower than the surface which hasn't been scuffed. I just did a lazy PS nvidia convert.
  3. Well... I was using PS and Maya. Wasn't quite able to get those nice damaged "lines". Might've been the crosshatch effect that I wasn't quite able to reproduce. Normal map went a bit crazy on me as well. But anything looks good in mental ray/vray ;p http://i.imgur.com/pDhfmRP.jpg Normally I would go in and fix stuff by hand painting it with my tablet. But sadly, I need a new tablet :\ Love me some tutorials though, it's a good way to pick up smart workflows you wouldn't think about yourself. GJ.
  4. Yea, I'm aware of that. But I did test multiple times with FS instead after you mentioned it, but it still wouldn't work. I might've messed up my paths or something silly like that, as I've re-exported the .mu file and renamed everything all over again as well. But what ever, it works, so I'm happy. :]
  5. Well... Never mind me. You were totally right, I only had to use FSAnimateGeneric. >< No idea why it didn't work the first few times I tried. Thanks for your help though. So this is what it ended up as: EFFECTS { sinkMotor { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = HeatSink/sounds/sound_extend volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.0 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = false } } } MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = ExtendShield startEventGUIName = Extend endEventGUIName = Contract toggleActionName = Toggle Heat Sink playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False startRetractEffect = sinkMotor startDeployEffect = sinkMotor } Which was pretty much what I tested with earlier. I did update the firespitter.dll at the same time as I rewrote the entire script, so who knows if it was the dll or the script that had errors. *note to self (again): eliminate one thing at a time!*
  6. Well, for this kind of work, or most types of texturing I guess, a Wacom tablet would change your world. I can't recommend it enough. Just get a cheap one. A Bamboo Capture is what I've been using. It's a bit bigger than their smallest tablets, but still relatively cheap. It saves sooo much time when doing detailing work. Just my 2c.
  7. I see. So that's the issue then. Yes, I do have a firespitter version that was in a b9 pack or something, can't remember where I got it from atm. Will take a look, thanks. Edit: So it seems like it's not possible to add sound to other types of parts (other than gears, engines...) without creating a plugin yourself. I'll keep looking though.
  8. Well, that's a big part of the problem. Can't really find many solid code references online. And all examples are for engines and whatnot, which is not what I need. They use "sound_filename = activate" etc. It's the "activate" here I need to swap out. Sadly, I can't find the different possible calls to put there instead. Of course, might be the one I have to use either way, but I would like a confirmation. I see, will try it. Though I'm pretty sure I did. And this is the main problem, I couldn't find a reference to "FSAnimateGeneric" anywhere. The API isn't... well, very good...
  9. It's possible your UV mapping is off... Maybe you get some stretching, which will reduce the quality of the texture.
  10. I'm quite new to the whole config side of KSP. I wanted to try and make an animated part, which was easier than I thought thanks to partTools, but how do I go around adding custom sounds to a part? I've read the documentation, but I feel like something is missing there... Not quite sure. I've got my sounds folder with my .wav inside. I've tried something like this: EFFECTS { sinkMotor { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = Heatsink/sounds/sound_extend volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = false } } } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = ExtendShield startEventGUIName = "Extend" endEventGUIName = "Contract" toggleActionName = Toggle Heat Sink startRetractEffect = sinkMotor startDeployEffect = sinkMotor } I don't know, but is startRetractEffect or ModuleAnimateGeneric an issue here? Is there a list of possible calls somewhere? Didn't find any in the doc. I'm more of a designer than a "coder", so go easy on me please. Just to be clear, when I right click the part and hit "Extend", the animation starts, which is when I want my sound to start as well.
  11. Another issue, which I've seen others having, is the invisible load crafts window. I get the same msg in the debug window "[Exception]: ArgumentException: GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint". When I hit the load button, the DMP status window becomes empty and the load window is invisible. I can still load crafts if I'm lucky in hitting the invisible text. I'm running the dev build. What's strange is that it doesn't happen every time I launch KSP, but most of the time. Well, it's obviously Unity getting confused here. "Each frame Unity starts with a Layout, does some Events and a Repaint. However the number and type of controls in the Repaint doesn't match the Layout and thats the problem.". Not sure if that's of any help though.
  12. This is probably the relevant information: http://pastebin.com/28KnrfKg I've tried deleting the folders and running the updater multiple times as well. I can't see how I did something wrong. You might... EDIT: Deleting the folder and downloading the dev build manually worked. Maybe something happened to the updater on my side. No idea...
  13. He's talking about the development build of the mod itself. So instead of putting the updater file into your KSP root folder and launching it to install/update the mod files, you rename the updater to DMPUpdater-Development.exe and run it. It'll give you the latest build of the DMP mod. On another note; I just did this, and DMP doesn't show up in the main menu now. It did before I ran the dev build updater. Any clue as to why this happens?
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