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Everything posted by AtomicEdge

  1. Okay so I just had a look at the FAQ on the website... It says: I WANT TO USE KSP FOR A SCHOOL PROJECT, MUSEUM, OR ANOTHER EDUCATIONAL RELATED AFFAIR, MAY I? Yes, the KSP Team encourages "Space Education", letting us know about it and giving us credit would be greatly appreciated, though. If your project would require you to buy a whole lot of licenses, please Contact us to discuss it. So I guess I will get in contact! Good to know!
  2. Hey guys, so I work at Secondary School in England, and I was wondering if you were planning any bulk licensing for Education at any point in the future? I know that the game itself isn't Educational, but it certainly gives students the basic ideas of forces and gravity, and it would make a good lesson introduction and/or reward task. Anyway, I am sure that other people in education would feel the same, but most school will only buy software that has bulk licenses. If not, I assume that there wouldn't be a problem with using one install on a computer/projector to a class of students?
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