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Everything posted by botse

  1. Wooo new parts^^ Im now going to down said struts parts pack:D
  2. -SNIPED- should keep my mind to my self so i dont get ban by mods D:
  3. Is the lore on site set in stone? if not ppl could have little spin off storys of the other space progams out there ive already got down some lore on one of my meny little spin off ship ideas this one using real tech as aposed to the sf based tech:3
  4. Ill take 20!! I was looking forwerd to a ship/part like this as soon as some one asked for a hog:D
  5. Chobit have you heard of blank rounds? Blank=just the casing of what ever round/shell you are firing
  6. -sinp- well it seems i have jumped on a blank here
  7. Holy... how much ÃŽâ€V dis it have with the fuel pods in it? And if you can post some pics of the bay in battleship and carrier load?
  8. Hmmmm maybe there should be a ship that dis that I have one all it needs is CM
  9. "That's it who let this guy on stage! wean I find you I'm kicking your ass so far down"*goes off to find that guy* I just have this to say "arm your ships mate or give it some fighters to use"
  10. I hate to say this but "ARM THE BEEPING SHIP this time" you never know what's out there but if you can't arm the ship dock some fighter drones to it
  11. *looks on with no idea what you are saying but hopes you don't use it on me*
  12. I'm now lost can some one please make some since????????? But that's coming form a guy typing this at 10PM so nvm
  13. You know well who I mean even if [-moderator snip-]<damn mods nvm then I did go over board there thanks mods:cool:
  14. [Load random line of text here] Now that that's done with^ what's with all this portal talk about coz I can end it all right now as I have shell right here
  15. Hay would you like a AUG with SD and M203??? That must stop her if not I'll just bomb her from orbit unless she has her own space based SWMD? (O and which out for Hans!!(oh and if you don't know who Hans is look this>http://tgchan.org/wiki/Pixel_Adventure))
  16. Herp derp I'm from the year 60XX and have come so till you not to built a base on MARS!!!!!
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