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Everything posted by HarvesteR

  1. A Munolith needs to be on the Mun to make sense. Given that there are similar objects at Kerbin as well, I\'d say they\'re regular monoliths. Cheers
  2. Aye, it\'s a monolith. Cheers
  3. We discovered a few months ago that our download counter was failing on some situations, and the count was inaccurate. That meant we couldn\'t use it anymore as a measure for anything really. Add to that the fact that there many mirrors of the demo download, and the download count becomes a truly meaningless number. We\'ve been keeping track of other statistics now. Most frequently,I go by the number of registered forum members. It\'s not a true count of the number of players, but it does give a nice indication of how KSP has grown over time. We are currently at 24,700 members, IIRC, which is really good, considering we were topping the 10,000 member mark on October last year. We\'ve more than doubled in community size in six months. I\'m very happy about that. Cheers
  4. I\'m unstickying this post and some others, because we have way too many sticky posts now, there\'s almost no room for the regular posts. Cheers
  5. Hi, Just wanted to share with everyone, Destructoid did a new review of KSP: http://www.destructoid.com/revisiting-the-kerbal-space-program-224625.phtml Cheers
  6. Hi, Just wanted to let everyone know, I\'m going on a short break during this week and the next. Time for some very much needed R&R. 8) Most of the other guys are also going to be out from Thursday to next Monday because of the holiday and all, but I\'m only going to be back later on next week, so, see you all then! Cheers
  7. I think if you wanna go big, you should find the rocketry club nearest you and join it. Those guys are the experts, and they will be able to guide you into larger projects ( and get clearance to launch them and all that ) Cheers
  8. My iPad... Well it\'s a pretty large diamond now, I should be able to get a new one, and a small country or two Cheers
  9. This will only still work now if the part gets activated in the same stage as its decoupler. Like what the chutes on SRBs do. Cheers
  10. Wow, I\'m amazed that still existed! That\'s no April fool\'s gag there, it\'s the real deal. I had completely forgotten about that 'log' though. I guess those ideas were stored in a pretty deep place in my brain. And yeah it was just over 10 years ago. We were 17 at the time. Lots of free time Awesome find there!! Cheers
  11. Hi, Just wanted to let everyone know, we\'ve temporarily disabled forum attachments, in order to carry out the move to the new server (we are moving to a larger one because the one we have can\'t handle the traffic anymore). So to not require a complete shutdown of the forum, we\'ve disabled any new attachments for the time being, until the move is complete. That should hopefully happen on Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding. Cheers
  12. Hi, I have good news to share today. We now have a new member on our dev team. I think most of you already know him. He goes by the name of C7Studios on the forums. So give a warm welcome to Chad 'C7' Jenkins, our newest KSP dev! Cheers
  13. Yep, it should be possible to map up to 4 devices. Cheers
  14. I do believe that was the original intention behind the KSC-on-the-Mun, but it kind of breaks the idea of you being able to build your own surface bases... It would make very little sense if there were a base on the Mun already, when Kerbal space technology at first is barely able to clear the atmosphere. Cheers
  15. Hi, I\'m very happy to announce that, after quite a long time hunting down issues, the 0.14.2 update is now officially released. This update adds a feature that didn\'t quite make it to the original 0.14.0 release: A completely overhauled Terrain Engine. Also, it fixes a ton of bugs with persistence and the patcher system. You can see the changelog here. Happy Launchings! Cheers
  16. I think he meant that with a non-persistent game, the Mun is always at the same position in relation to Kerbin when you start a new flight, making it pretty easy to create a works-every-time flight plan to the Mun. On the persistent game though, time is passing, and the Mun will be somewhere else when you launch. Although, nothing stops you from sitting on the pad, and time-warping until the Mun is 'in position' again. And just to correct the terminology here, \'tidal lock\' is what we call a celestial body that always presents the same face to the central body, there is no real term for a moon that always begins at the same spot, because that sort of thing really doesn\'t happen too much in real life Cheers
  17. Yeah, the server threw a fit on us a few moments ago... We got on the phone with our web host support, and it\'s back up now. (And hopefully it will stay like that). Looks like it was on their end. Cheers
  18. Indeed, a very large THANK YOU is in order. And also, thanks for the really nice review! :thumbup: Oh, and last but not least, welcome to the Community! Cheers
  19. Here\'s my evil lair command bridge: I call it BigRigMk7 Cheers
  20. Hi, Just wanted to let everyone know, we have a new official IRC channel up now, and we will be phasing out the old one soon. Why the change? The old IRC channel was created unofficially, and we here had no control at all over it. This one has been set up so that we can have full control, and it\'s based on the very awesome EsperNet. It should be a better experience overall now. You can check it out by connecting to esper.net with your IRC client, and joining the #kspofficial channel. Just keep in mind, the same rules of conduct we enforce on the forum are also in effect there (and so are the moderators). Cheers
  21. Yeah, buildings here are now all built around a steel skeleton, instead of just concrete and re-bar. They\'re meant to ride out a quake, and it seems they do work as advertised. Minor quakes are not uncommon around here... The last one was only a few months ago. Although at 7.6 magnitude, I think this one isn\'t what you\'d call \'minor\'... But that\'s measured at the epicenter, which was over 300km away from us. I guess it must have been much stronger there... Cheers
  22. Indeed, we felt the ground shake quite a bit here. We\'re all fine, but some areas of the city have no power at the moment. Things should go back to normal soon. This is a new quake, yes. We experienced one back in November, IIRC, but it seems this one was quite a bit stronger. They\'re saying it was a 7.6 magnitude event. Looks like there wasn\'t any damage to the city, fortunately. Cheers
  23. The GetRelSurfacePosition method doesn\'t take into account terrain elevation. It returns a position vector that is relative to the planet and it\'s own rotation. Currently, there is no direct way to get the terrain height from the given position. What you can do though, is raycast down to the surface using a layerMask of 1 << 15. If that hits something, you\'ll know there is terrain below, and you can then use the raycast distance (hit.distance) to get the \'radar altitude\'. For more information on raycasts, check out the Unity documentation on Physics.Raycast. Hope this helps. Cheers
  24. Hi, I\'m very pleased to announce that after 9 weeks, the longest update period we\'ve ever tackled, the 0.14 update of KSP is finally official! This version, as you all probably know, adds persistence to the game, as well as support for multiple simultaneous flights, multiple crew members, and live-switching between flights. It also adds a plugin loader, which means mod-makers are now able to program their own part types, and we\'ve already seen some incredible things being developed by the community, even before the official release (or even documentation) was out. We\'ve also released the 13.3 update for our Demo, which fixes a few issues from the old version. Here is the full changelog for this update: New: * Flights are regularly saved to file, to be resumed later. (yes, persistence ) * Support for multiple simultaneous flights and switching from ship to ship. * The Tracking Station Facility at the Space Center, allows you to select and resume a flight in progress. * Holding the middle mouse button will allow you to rotate the flight camera about itself, instead of rotating its pivot. (double-clicking the MMB will recenter it) * Tweaked the orbit rendering on the Map View to reduce clutter when several icons are moused over at the same time. * Landed or Splashed vessels now display their coordinates (or location, if available) when moused over on the Map View. * More Crew Members so you can launch missions while others are underway. * A Stats Tracking System, so we can collect information of the game for statistical purposes.(Demo) * An External Module Loader, which enables mod makers to program their own part modules. * An integrated game update system, so you don\'t have to redownload each time there is a new update. * A small liquid fuel tank, a small liquid fuel engine, and a new Landing Leg part type. Bug Fixes: * Fixed a bug with symmetry in the VAB. (Demo) * Fixed an issue with the main camera that would create sporadic moments of lag in map view. (Demo) * Fixed a bug that caused symmetrical parts to lose the reference to one of their counterparts, leading to incorrect symmetrical placements. (Demo) * The flight camera is no longer able to go upside down. * The ORBITAL camera mode will no longer change orientations when switching spheres of influence. * Fixed an issue with .craft file saving and loading, which makes it possible to save ship titles independently of the file name. * Un-warping a landed ship will no longer cause an unphysical jerk on it, which could possibly destroy it. * Landed/Splashed vessels no longer show an Apoapsis icon on the Map View. * The Map Camera now responds to the keyboard bindings for camera zoom. * Decouplers now obey the second law of physics (Acceleration = Force/Mass) * Decouplers now obey the third law of physics (every action has an equal and opposite reaction). * RCS Fuel Tanks now drain symmetrically if placed using symmetry. * Reverted the Staging logic to the 13.1 system, as the changes made in 13.2 were buggy. (Demo) The 0.14 Update is now available for download at our KSP Store. Happy Launchings! Cheers
  25. Wow, thanks guys! You\'ve made my day here. Cheers :cheers:
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