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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Well SAS has to be tied to directional updates, for some reason those directional updates are no longer made for the root control piece. So I guess it isnt really SAS per se but something affecting the routine that updates the rotation of the ship. Also, all of my ships are stock, I don't really use any mods or add-ons.
  2. Yeah, I had this issue in .25 as well. I would say its either tied to SAS and time warping or the direction whatever the control part is moving at the time of warping. I cant really launch anything that leaves kerbin orbit as anything more complex than that seems to always be affected by this bug.
  3. so, Im a bit perplexed as to how I perform this. I know people are able to do it but I cant figure out how to do it effectivly and on a repeatable basis.
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