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Posts posted by DakotaSpace

  1. Any one got an idea on my issue posted above?

    Sometimes the ejection angle starts counting down from as high as +500! I don't understand how I can be at a 500+ degree angle to Kerbin's direction of travel around Kerbol. Shouldn't the maximum be 360?

    It's frustrating as I'm trying to work out the perfect launch/ejection parameters for my ship. I did one perfect ejection to Duna with a 44.49 phase angle, starting my departure burn at +137 on the ejection angle. Next session I loaded and I've fast forwarded a year to the next window, but at a 44.49 phase angle the ejection angle doesn't pass +137; instead it may start at +50 and drop down to -300. Why is this happening?

    Annoyingly what this means is that for every launch window I have to trial and error my departure timings, using lots of quicksaves and loads. Surely on every orbit of Kerbin I pass +137 degrees? Why does this plugin sometimes miss it all together?

    I'm sorry that this is so hard to explain..

  2. I'm having a slight issue with this awesome plugin:

    Sometimes the ejection angle I need never actually occurs...

    Kinda hard to explain but let's say I need a 151 degree ejection angle for my Duna burn, but the highest value my ejection angle ever gets to is 6 degrees and then it falls all the way down into the negatives, reaches negative, say, 250, then starts back at positive 6 falling down. I'm not really sure what to do in these situations. Quicksaving, reloading doesn't work.

    Is there some fundamental orbital principle I'm missing here or is this a bug?

  3. I'm challenging myself to make an orbit-able STS using Kerbal's stock parts. The big issue really is the centre of thrust vs. the centre gravity: after SRB separation the whole stack just starts rotating wildly. I've tried to combat this by mounting two of the orbiter's main engines at an angle but still no joy - I can't keep it stable.


    Notice I'm using 4 SRBs. The outboards light first and then jettison as the inboards are lit. I've had to do this mostly because a 30s burn time on the stock boosters is way too short. I'd change the config but that feels like cheating.

    Has anyone achieved a shuttle-like rocket using stock parts?

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