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Everything posted by hachiman

  1. They should make a flying saucer mod. xd
  2. The OTC-X1 which was built in the 50\'s/60\'s and could teleport but not fly. It got taken by the government. One of the engineers (Ralph Ring) who claims to have built it is still alive.
  3. Nazi disc allegedly built. Known as the 'Flugkreisel'. First took off on 14 February 1945 and managed to climb to 12,400 m (40,700 ft) and attained a speed of 2,200 km/h (1,400 mph) in level flight in just 3 mins.
  4. The capsule could be combined with something like this.
  5. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_tierrahueca/I_Haunebu2-00.gif
  6. Concorde: http://www.concordesst.com/pictures/gboag_home.jpg
  7. hachiman


    Q: Why did the runner quit the race against bigfoot? A: He couldn\'t face defeet.
  8. Nooooooooo, it\'s over 9000.
  9. Like a hoverboard or the flying carpet. ;D
  10. What about the N1? It never had a chance in rl.
  11. People can\'t be that stupid to think we\'re the only life forms. Because the Universe is already big, it\'s big enough to have more than life forms like us. Here\'s a list of the type of aliens that supposedly exist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_alleged_alien_beings
  12. A week ago, scientists won the Noble Physics Prize for finding out that the Universe is expanding.
  13. It\'s a comedy as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Sky
  14. There\'s pics of them and some might be fake, some might be real. This is the most common UFO thought to have been made by them called the Haunebu.
  15. Course set: Remaining for rendezvous with moon What? They wanna go home too!? To bad the game keeps freezing up on me when I try to increase warp above 2x... No I mean like which member of this site.
  16. How about finding out who\'ll be the first Kerbinaut to land on it?
  17. You guys haven\'t forgotten about time travel, have you?
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