Over on Reddit, I posted a nearly-complete 1600x800 version of my munar map, but have since been able to nearly complete that resolution and continue to 2400, then 3600. I love this idea. I tried to read through the KGSS thread, but it's quite long and seems to have fizzled a bit. I was also unable to find high or ultra-high resolutions of the maps in that thread. I would be interested in an ongoing project to increase the resolution of the maps available and come up with a sort of atlas with something like this. As well, it's not as if there aren't multiple agencies here on Earth to record geographical and topographical features in competition with each other. I don't see the harm in having two, especially if we aren't interested in naming or RP. Each of my mapping satellites bristles with hull cameras as well. Photos shouldn't be too hard. Here are my results so far: http://imgur.com/a/79X0Q#0 I will be continuing my scans until I have a pixel perfect map at a resolution of 3600x1800. Unfortunately, polar outputs get messy when you try to bump the resolution up (they overlap), so this is what we get until that's fixed. On my overclocked 1100T, (6 cores, not 8 -- I was mistaken), the maps take about 3 minutes to generate, but this increases by about a minute per day of scans and we're looking at another 4 days for the 3600. The merged csv is well over a gig at this point. So tl;dr, I completely support this and would be willing to continue my mapping missions until we have 3600x1800 or higher resolution maps of the worlds of KSP.