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  1. Thanks, that's it! With 24.2 and all the mods being updated lately, I immediately assumed it was a problem linked to mod incompatibilities. Glad I was wrong!
  2. I can't for the life of me find a way to integrate VesselView. ScanSat and mechjeb are visible in the plugin menus in the control room but VesselView is not. I am using the following versions: Probe control room: 1.0-beta8a VesselView: 0.6 Anyone has any idea of what I should do? Thanks
  3. rbray89 and Lack, Thank you so much for your work. This plugin really makes a huge difference, it's really amazing!
  4. hello, I looked in the thread and didn't find the answer to my question, so here it goes. I would like to only install the airbrakes but can't figure out how to check which modules the part is dependent on (ExsurgentEngineering, Firespitter, KineTechAnimation , ResGen and other resources and props in the actual b9 folder). I am trying to keep my GameData folder as clean as possible to facilitate troubleshooting with various mods. Simply saying what needs to be installed with the part would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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