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Everything posted by DeltaC00K13Z

  1. It's like this, you will notice later on it will start asking for multiple things like: - sub-orbital around Kerbin - fly-by of the Mun - orbit Minmus - sub-orbital Minmus They can all be done in 1 flight if you so desire, but you can recover & relaunch if it's convenient for whatever reason. Also the contract starts to give you multiple tourists (2, 4, 6) with their individual needs (although in my experience always the same bodies). So some will want a combination of the following: a fly-by, an orbit & a sub-orbital flight. I've yet to see a request for landing on another body, but I doubt there are none available.
  2. They do supply some lifesupport to pods from other mods, can confirm on B9. Keep in mind this is only like... a day (I don't know exactly) worth of supplies for a Kerbal (2 days if there is 1 kerbal in a 2-manpod), just like the stock ones.
  3. They were indeed related to joystick AND drivers, so I went to unplug the stick and update the drivers, but unfortunately this lead to nothing. I also tried re-downloading KSP from Steam, which also didn't work. Then, I tried moving it out of the Program Files (you said they were in the steam folder, but I already got them out of there, so that was a bit weird) and that worked! I have not a single clue on how & why, but just like the rockets we launch: if it works, it works Thank you for the help & the mod itself of course!
  4. I'm having the zoom problem too, in the build menu it zooms in on the part 'icon' when the mousepointer is held over it. The problem: - Zooming on a icon when keeping the mouse pointer on it, happens only with parts of TACLS using multiple resources (module problem as stated earlier?) - Kerbals don't consume any lifesupport resources (not loading DLL?) What I've done: - re-installed it > same problem - clean install using only TAC LS + MM > same problem - clean install using only Interstellar mod + MM (to recreate problem) > this created the same results, mechanics don't work as intended and zooming on parts containing multiple resources I've used version of TAC LS, 2.5.1 of Module Manager and 0.13 for Interstellar (played on 32-bit) I know this was posted earlier in the thread, but I gave no idea what to do about it. logfile can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tghi4rzqqtp6ga2/AAAKL5rwLDB371pJPJLv0E5Ma?dl=0 thanks in advance and keep it up
  5. After downloading this mod all my spaceplanes disintegrate (not quite a random failure as you intended ) after lift-off. I don't see any connection, but removing it seems to solve it, which is a shame because I really liked the idea. With disintegrating I mean that all parts lose connection to each other and get shot away towards the horizon with mach effects... So if you could tell me what to send you and where to find it, that'd be great! Note: The planes used the following mods: - B9 - RasterPropMonitor + enhancement patch - FAR (Aerodynamic failures turned off, as I first thought this was the case) - ActiveTexture Management - DeadlyReentry (values a bit lowered) - TAC lifesupport - Interstellar mod
  6. I made a flag too, with the flag-in-the-making-designs added if you want to edit it. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pdy4l7ft3qfuzaw/1kBujFJ0eP first time I uploaded pictures, so if the link doesn't work, please pm me.
  7. Possibly splitting the group into pairs of ~7-8 is the best idea. Everyone can do more different missions and you are more reliant on each other. Not to forget it's easier to keep track of the active players. However, the assigning-everyone-a-mission-beforehand-thing takes the fun away. As, for example, one is working on the relay network (first step to space) and another is working on a base on some planet, it would take the feeling of progress away as everything is already prepared for and just waiting to be launched. Small groups: easier to keep track, faster feedback, more turns per commander In case we do split, I'll join Captain Sierra.
  8. I guess in the VAB and your 'simulation' it should be okay. Other question: is there a specific flag or can we choose for ourselves (from the stock ones of course)? Or is there a dedicated K.R.A.K flag in the making?
  9. Sign me up! Character name: John Kerman World: Kerbin, Mun, Minmus Some explanation: I'm a noob, but if you give me an extraplanetary mission, I will do my best. I also noticed most of the entries are good/expert players, so if you ever want to do a rescue mission, let me do the preparations, if you know what I mean... Skillset: -Close to none, but I can build space stations, rovers, planes and stuff like that -I can fly/dock well, but larger ships are somewhat framerate-consuming. Achievements so far: -landed on the Mun with a couple of ships and have a base set up. -landed on Minmus with a base consisting of a few buildings, 2 rovers and a spaceplane. -I have a space station around Kerbin orbit. -have seen some easter eggs on Kerbin, which is always nice. Cheers, John
  10. thx for your quick reaction and giving the solution and most important thx for the warm welcome into the community!
  11. hey, I am playing this game for a week or 2 and the idea of renaming kerbalnauts to your own/ppl you hate their name(s). I am not a programmer, but it should be possible right? I mean, there is a list or a generator of some sort which creates those names which are already in the game. So a way to change/add names would imo be awsome. by the way I have actually NO IDEA if there is already something like I described above, but I googled it and searched on the forums as well. If there is, please post a link in your reply or desribe in which folder it can be found. thx in advance
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