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Everything posted by BlueSubstance

  1. Da, der uralte Thread... Ist schon schön das noch zu sehen. Close?
  2. Looks awesome! Nice work! +It looks pretty realistic!
  3. Nice, it's back, but.. all posts gone.
  4. Okay. I think we should do EVE next. Wait until tomorrow and: Stay tuned. EDIT: I really had to laugh. Because the little Kerbal fell into the "60" at the Runway..
  5. *Cough*Felix still did an higher jump on Kerbin..*Cough*...
  6. Good idea. Can you vote on the poll so i know what Felix should do next?
  7. __________________________________________. -."The Kerboly News".- __________________________________________. Today, at the 0.17 Version, Felix BaumKerman does his special jump! He waited until Version 0.15 to 0.17 for his jump. So here are the pictures of his spectacular jump: The first picture of his jump! "Felix to the KSC, I forgot my parachute. What should I do now?" That sun! That pic! Ohrghh. I have to throw up! Look away cam! ' Blarghh... Holy cow! I am a bit close to the ground.... KSC? What the.....! Wahhhhhahahhahhhhhh........- GOAL! HE HIT THE 60! GOOOAAAAL! We don't now how Felix survived this, but at the next he wants to jump from EVE! So we wish all good for BaumKerman! His jump would be at 0.18, he said. But maybe he jumps tomorrow! Thanks for reading, your Kerboly News! ________________________.
  8. This: My first true high speed boat, you best be careful while turning it! WARNING: Due to the high speed nature of this boat, it is best to only turn in low speeds. If you attempt to turn at max throttle, do not be surprised when your boat flips and tears itself to pieces! Statistics: Crew: 1 Manned Speed: 146 Knots (75m/s) Top Speed (using glitchy control surfaces): 214 knots (110m/s) Range: Likely 100km Maneuverability: High at low speeds Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11611735/Ke...pent%20Mk1.zip What is the nosecone at the front? It is a mod=
  9. Anything else about the Magical Boulder *cough*BorgCube*cough*..?
  10. ?Like That? Huh? You should know now what the Blue Guy means? :-) ___________
  11. I NEVER GOT AN ,ARRR, from you Captain! ;.-(
  12. The Hercules looks freaking awesome! I'm going to fly that thing! ____ Can you create more Plane Like Rovers?
  13. Oh god. I just can't even build a rocket with the DEMV Mark 4 on top. Help please?
  14. I don't get it. How do I land the Capsule of the DEMV Mark 4? Thanks, a .craft would be very useful.
  15. Bin wieder da! Ich war übers Wochenende nnicht daheim. : HALLLO ZUSAMMEN!
  16. Oh, no problem. It's okay. But: Come Back! In a few months. Thanks! :)

  17. Holy ****. Why did you abdone the Cart Mod? :(

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