So I'm trying to build a heavy-lifter. (Remember: the more mass you can lift into orbit, the moar dV.) I'm slowly getting there, but a necessary part of rocket design is having stuff explode/collapse/fall apart/all of the above on takeoff. I wouldn't mind so much but the screaming Kerman-of-the-day in the corner of the screen is upsetting my conscience. If I can get the command capsule ejected and deploy the parachute, he usually survives. Unfortunately when I have seven or eight stages and the first one goes boom, it frequently takes so long to cycle through the stages until we reach the last one that even hammering the space bar I usually have a KKIE before he can get clear. The other option is to edit the staging on the fly so that the command capsule is at the bottom of the stack, but that's even slower. Is there a way I can, e.g., bind a particular decoupler to a key, so that I just press the key and we skip over all the stages to that point? This would also avoid the embarrassment of having to light the upper stage in the middle of all this, simply because its engine was next in the queue. (KKIE: Kerbal-Kerbin Intersection Event...)