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Everything posted by Szkeptik

  1. Of course a fire wouldn't be random, but a result of damage and the game would come out of time warp if such a thing happened somewhere, so you would always have time to respond. My problem is that once you put up that station there's nothing to do with it unless you use it as a refueling point or something. At least this was you would have to revisit old craft sometimes.
  2. I thought there could be randomly appearing dangers in the star system that could impact your intruments and even damage your ships/stations. Of course not instant damage, but things you can prepare for. For instance, a micro meteor swarm could be detected moving through the solar system. In map mode you could see it as a cloud, slowly inching across the void. You could detect it with ships depending on how good active antennas they have. The path of this cloud would be a straight line through the system, and it may or may not intersect a planetary orbit at some point. If your ship or station gets caught in the storm, parts can take damage. Pods couldn't be destroyed by them, but structural elements could. So a space station caught in the storm MIGHT experience damage that you could later repair with EVA missions. Planetary bases on zero atmosphere worlds could also be damaged by the shower. Fire: I though you could be facing on board fires after such a shower if your space station gets damaged too much. The fire could be put out with an eva mission or by jettisoning the affected module, but if it got out of hand the only solution might be to run for the escape pods. This is only one example, but you get the idea.
  3. I second this idea. Maybe if you start sending a transmission, a window could pop up listing all the units you can send the data to (currently in line of sight or range).
  4. I've been playing 0.22 for a while now and I'd like to give some ideas about research and space stations that I came up with. Research should take time: Probably others have suggested this before so I'll be quick. Lower tier research should take a few seconds to minutes, high level research could take weeks or months. Use for Space Stations in research: Right now there's not much. Repeating experiments in the same place will quickly deteriorate the science yield, and everything can be made with a small ship that can then return the data to Kerbin, while a station can only transmit it and lose a big fraction of science in the process. I have several suggestions to correct this: *Life support: Suggested many times before, but in this instance I invoke it to make space stations a viable alternative in research. A simple pod would only have enough life support for a few days. You can easily do a Mun landing and return in that time. A small life support part could be added to increase this by a few more days. But if you wanted to remain in orbit for months or years, you would need large life support nodes that would be unfeasable on a small craft. Now we go back to my first point: High level experiments can take months to finish. Now you got something that needs a space station to do. You can't just do that in a small pod. * Ongoing experiments: Another type of experiment. It doesn't have a fixed duration with a science reward at the end, rather once started it continues indefinately. It will have a fixed daily science yield. For example: As long as the experiment goes on, you receive 4 science / day. Some kind of supply could be added that would be used up as the experiment goes on. If you wanted to keep going you would have to refill this scientific supply from time to time. Probes: They should only be able to do the simplest experiments, since they would be exempt from any life support system and capable of functioning indefinitely.
  5. I'm not sure that a Jool base should happen. Gravity on the surface is so strong that it would crush any ship way before it can reach the sea of hydrogen/helium. Not to mention if something could reach it, it surely couldn't float on top of a hydrogen sea. Everything sinks in hydrogen.
  6. I only use IP tugs to boost up the mission stage to the proper escape velocity out of Kerbin SOI, then the tug undocks and returns to a standard Kerbin orbit. I have 4 LV-N-s on the tug, but that's well enough. The heavier modules need about 10-15 min boosts to reach the outer planets, but that's ok with me. As long as aerobraking around Jool is there, the mission module itself doesn't need excessive amounts of fule to land on a Joolian moon and even return.
  7. It occured to me, why only have pilots? Cause that's what all Kerbonauts are right now. Since we are getting sciency stuff in the next release, I thought why not have scientist kerbals who can operate al the science equipment in orbit. And engineer kerbals who are good at building things in orbit or on other planets. I thought science bays, and later planetary science stations could have modules that require one or more scientist to operate, or to operate efficiently. Maybe the first few technologies in the tech tree would require a small amount of science points, so even pilots operating the science equipment could gather that many points, but later on, the techs would get so expensive that you could never collect all the points to unlock them if you are using pilot kerbals to operate the equipment. So you would have to hire scientist Kerbonauts (more expensive than pilots) who could operate the same science equipment with much higher efficiency. Maybe higher level science parts would require scientists on board to function at all. Also when we get some sort of repair mechanic in the game (or orbital building possibilities) we could hire engineer Kerbonauts who know how to place struts for example. Or who can repair certain damaged parts and do basic chores like repacking parachutes much faster than pilot kerbals can. (Assuming it will take time in the future). What do you guys think?
  8. I'd like to see a cold planet that was broken in half in the past and now it's just a half planet. Not round, but half round half a chaotic mess. And the other half could be orbiting in a lower/ higher orbit with different athmospheric/heat properties.
  9. The basic idea is to have some locked options in the research tree that cannot be unlocked with x number of science points but instead require you to do a specific mission. For example sample return from a specific spot on a specific planet etc. Of course these should be options that you can circumvent if you want to (if it's too difficult at the moment), but they would unlock the nicest parts if you can do them.
  10. All the features shown in the video look absolutely awesome! I haven't been actively playing lately because I feel like there's nothing really left to do after having landed everywhere. These new additions will breathe new life in the game for me. I'd like to see special, locked research options that require you to do a specific mission to unlock them. So not everything unlocks with the "x amount of science points" method.
  11. Many neat things came with 0.21, but as I thought about the revert mechanic I found it to be restrictive in terms of gameplay. What happens when you revert flight? Everything you did gets rolled back, deleted like it never happened and you get another go at it. Why is this a problem? This game will play with a budget when it's finished. This means you have to buy every part of the ship you build. Now of course many would say reverting flights is good precisely because it saves you from losing large amounts of money at a single mistake. I see it the other way around. It will take the challenge and fun out of the game, since you can just undo any mistake you made and lose nothing but the playtime you put into flying the mission. If you think about it, with this mechanic losing anything at all will be entirely optional. A crew member died? Revert and go again. Tried to dock and crashed into the space station? Revert and not only will you have a new go at it, but the station will also be reverted to an unharmed state. The only reason to take the hit is if the lost gametime would be too much. For example, a long term Jool mission fails, but you already started two other flights since you launched it and all would have to be reverted because you screwed up that Jool aerobrake. That doesn't sound fun so you just write that Jool probe off. If you revert you can just salvage the ship instead of flying the mission again. You won't lose a dime. Unless a long mission has been going on forever and you would wreck half your space program by reverting it, reverting is an absolute "get out of jail free card" that you can play over and over. How much more awesome would it be if you had to send a rescue ship to that space station to get the survivors home safely, then send up a repair crew to fix and salvage what they can? My suggestion is that reverting should only be an option in the first few minutes of the flight, so you could test new designs and see if they can be launched in one piece. But after the first 5-6 minutes, reverting would not be possible anymore. What you launced you launched.
  12. Never tried to land in first person. I never use MechJeb though. I feel it takes the fun out of the game.
  13. Are these stats the real thing or is it some placeholder for a different system? Is there any official word on this?
  14. They would add cover based shooting, competitive multiplayer and reprice the game to 60$ for no apparent reason. Of course there would be the always online DRM, so only pirates could play effortlessly.
  15. I would so love to be able to build something like this by the final KSP version.
  16. I don't have pictures of a Mun landing. Does a Duna return mission qualify?
  17. I hope it won't screw up aerobraking maneuvers. The most fuel efficient way to get to my Laythe base. Brake around Jool, brake around Laythe.
  18. A LOT of surface base parts. Even ones that can be built by eva Kerbals on the surface and are immobile in nature. Landing legs that have variable movement ranges so I can place them on the craft any way I want and have them move just as much as I want them to. Moving parts like robot arms and cranes, bay doors etc.
  19. If I install this will my current space stations disappear?
  20. If you want to get a higher interplanetary orbit to get to Duna, launch from a 270 degree angle and sligshot as low above munar surface as possible. You can even get a little beyond Duna that way. Also added extra, but almost impossible to get: Dual sligshot from Mun + Minmus can get you almost to Jool orbit. Only happened with me once though, and totally by accident. LegitBro: On the different line color thing: It's a setting in settings.cfg file. I don't know witch one, but you set it to a higher number and it will show you more predicted orbits like that.
  21. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-09-22/news/os-nasa-space-outpost-20120922_1_moon-rocks-space-launch-system-nasa-chief-charlie-bolden I don't know if this is new news. For me it is and sounds awesome. Hope it comes true. 2019 is awful close.
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