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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Acontece quando a órbita está circular, com excentricidade próxima de 0. Eu acho.
  2. Try clicking with the right mouse button on Chrome's shortcut, and select properties. In the shortcut tab, check if target has anything written after the quotation mark. Worked for me once, not for the same problem, though. You might also wanna try a registry cleaner like CCleaner, some of this annoying stuff hide in there.
  3. Could be a poll! I'm right-handed, so not in the group
  4. Generic Space : Conquering it was never this easy! or *main race* Space Program Or you could take ideas from retro space games : Space Invaders Asteroids, among others.
  5. Thread nova : As charadas de tetryds[...] [...]para descobrir o que seu mod faz.
  6. Posso estar desinformado, mas acho que se tetryds lançar o mod, será o primeiro mod brasileiro a ser lançado.!?:;- Espero ansiosamente por ele, e parabéns, modder.
  7. This is the only way the game found to make female kerbals have rights to land on the Mun just like male.
  8. Pioneer Space Simulator is good too, not Steam, but free.
  9. Granted, bees are fine. all the plants spontaneously combust, turning the atmosphere into an unbreathable mixture of poisonous gases causing mass extinctions
  10. Banned for having the answer to life, the Universe and everything else being your number of posts.
  11. It's like if they took everything good from mods and the previous games and made it into an ultimate Fallout game. I have high hopes for this one, but what scares me are the possibilities of a bugged mess being the final product.
  12. I kept pressing the X on my controller to skip the cutscenes. Then I noticed it was a movie, not a game.
  13. I saw these the other day. Damn omelettes!
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