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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Whoa! Snakes and evil giant space fetus! 9/10
  2. Glorious boats and planes? Where?!?! Sorry for that I think you were just overlooking this kind of thing. It has been everywhere each time there's a new feature announced. People get excited and start making threads about it, then someone came up with this "hypex" thing, and...you know the rest.
  3. I used to play that game, and it is fantastic. Although I was just waiting 'till the next version. I would call it a chemistry sandbox, with some physics involved. And here, the star is chasing the nearest planet. STABLE
  4. I'd be cool if science equipment had at least a use in sandbox mode; what is the point of having science parts unlocked if you can't use them properly?
  5. I've been searching for cool gravity-related stuff, and I found Super Planet Crash! Super Planet Crash You just click anywhere, and it adds the world you selected, and wait until physics goes drunk! But choosing the trajectory, mass and speed of an object is cooler than just placing it there. EDIT: This is how all solar systems are formed
  6. It started on the Orbiter forums, isn't it? When I first downloaded it, it was amazing, I was like "wait...can I build this? OOO I can! THISISDABESTGAMEEVAR" And now, it changed sooo much, it makes me feel nostalgic.
  7. I didn't explore all of Jool's moons, aside from that, I orbited (landed in most) all the bodies in the Kerbal Solar System. One landing I specially enjoined was Moho, I had plans for just polar orbit, but somehow I managed to mess stuff up so bad, I started falling towards the ground. Thankfully I had enough fuel to land...without any landing gear or anything, and then everything, except the capsule, exploded.
  8. Ocarina Sorry if there was another thread.
  9. So I recently saw a Japanese game called Shiritori, which basically consists in making random words out of the last letter of the previous word, and I thought it would be a good idea to bring it here. Rules : Don't make up random words, that's cheating...I guess; Try not to repeat words. I think that's all. I'll begin : Expedition
  10. That's....easy! Strap myse....Oh crap ninja'd! But, can't we have two exact plans? Just wonderin' Okay then, zombies all over the place, and if somehow I survived, I would...I would... Open debug mode; Infinite fuel for magical rocket that suddenly appeared in my home destroying everything (obviously I somehow had to survive); Launch to the restaurant at the end of the Universe. PROFIT
  11. Já tinha assistido todos esses faz tempo Mas já estou assistindo de novo, essas "cinematics" são excelentes xD Só não coloco aqui o vídeo "Build, Fly, Dream" porque acho que seria removido.
  12. Yes, the names are kinda weird. Actually... Both words are used like a synonym. Rise is when the apes take over the world. Dawn is when....they....I think it's when the.....ape's empire....is born? Or when the planet is just the planet of the apes (see what I did? )
  13. I am never "tempted" to use the debug mode for cheating, that'd be silly. Actually last time I used it, it was just for fun, like I disabled Kerbin's gravity and started launching spaceplanes and rockets just to hit them with the Whack-A-Kerbal, that's a really fun thing to do because....well....EXPLOSIONS.
  14. I checked everything, and I agree with Kerbart; weather is important and it adds realism. Also sword-fighting
  15. Soo I have this love for video game music, specially in Zelda games. But as I forgot the filler I was gonna add here, what is your favorite VGM? *cough* Dragon Roost Island *cough*
  16. Come on, MM isn't that creepy, it's atmosphere is just beautiful with all it's sadness and multiple interpretations. But, I don't think the same as you,etc... By the way, Ben is just a creepypasta, more specifically, a fake creepypasta. The author said it was all staged [hehehehe], and it is creepy because one of the things that really made me scared of MM was Link's statue.Just look at it, it is creepy and weird!
  17. Yea, I agree with that, it's like the beeps, those damn beeps... I mean, don't make an entire phrase made of curse words just so everyone will hear an annoying beep. It just bugs me. Anyway true that if we don't use curse words, there will be no need for that censoring, but again, trolls/spammers, that makes it a bit harder.
  18. So um...what curse word you typed there? Just wonderin'
  19. Indeed, that is true. People can be really bad sometimes. And I think I prefer the astherisks rather than the word being deleted, the phrase can loose context, and if the word is recognized as a profane word, it'll be pretty damn hard to understand it.
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