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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Well.... Doesn't sound like a kerbal but... I laugh each time I hear this scream (the original one)
  2. I just realized my game is cursed by the Kraken. Random and scary bugs just started happening all of sudden... Like the "uncontrollable Kerbal with the flashlights on" bug, it just terrifies me...
  3. 8/10 Reminds me of LBP... It's the Triforce, by the way. I just can't make it bigger
  4. Kraken, you.... But he's holding a... Hair dyer? Anyway, nice gif 10/10
  5. For the math part of it, I use Kerbal Engineer. I know MechJeb has Delta-V readouts, but it's mainly an auto-pilot, and I normally use it when I am feeling lazy, when I've been testing a rocket that didn't work for hours, so I use it to skip the launching part, you know, when the thing gets boring
  6. Banned for numbers on username. *checks username* oh f***.
  7. It seems that Valve can't count to three: Half Life ( 1, 2, a bunch of expansion pack, episode 1 and 2, no 3), Left 4 Dead (1 and 2) and Portal (1 and 2). By the way, you are everywhere I go, huh.
  8. I love this mod, it's absolutely brilliant! If you are seeing this, make a Link suit for Kerbals pleeeeeease
  9. É a tela que aparece quando você clica na Launch Pad no Space Center. "Contém partes inválidas" Quantas vezes já não desinstalei o mod e meu foguete favorito não carregou porque tinha uma antena desse mod....
  10. The kraken has been defeated. I __ rockets.
  11. I used to be an adventurer like you. But then I took an arrow in the knee. Lol sorry I used to live.But then I died. My one: I am ___. I ____ stuff.
  13. Docking once was something only mods could do.... And then, when it got added as an official feature of the game, it was hard, really hard I mean, hardcore, really close to impossible (lol just exaggerating) Later, Squad added the stuff that really helped, and then docking became easy ( for people who have been playing the game for some time) And now I can easily dock like you, it's really easy with all these things helping, and some mods (Docking Alignment Indicator, I'm looking at you) really makes it even easier (and immersive).
  14. Well.... Yes? Also, I think I lost it when I used the last backup Did I mention I did that for no reason?
  15. I did that back when there was no maneuver nodes Of course there were quicksaves, and I used them a lot.
  16. Advanced Landing Capsule For Orbital Rendezvous Eu acabei de abrir os arquivos de configuração, e achei pelo menos os experimentos, o que sugere que o mod é compatível com o modo carreira.
  17. Sorte? pfft Jebpilotou o avião até uns 24 Km, mais do que suficiente para o motor falhar por causa da falta de ar e também já dava para "flutuar". Aí foi só sair do avião e pegar os pára-quedas. E a parte da luz, desculpa É que eu nem ía tirar fotos disso, eu só estava experimentando, a falta de luz nem trouxe problema pra mim.Eu estava vendo tudo normal mas no final, a imagem ficou escura demais.
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