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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. 8/10 AH The fat astronaut/kerbounaut......
  2. Very low quality (and by that I mean most of the stars have the same size) but I .... I don't think there's anything else to say besides I made this because of.... Now appreciate my awful art:
  3. YEP! (Tencharrestrictionisdumb)
  4. YAY Finally I'm good at something! I AM WINNER!
  5. Depende do Delta-V do seu foguete. Mas normalmente eu começou a uns 15 km (ou mais), já que essa é normalmente a altura que coloco minhas naves. E por falar nisso, os forums vão ficar "off" no dia 22 de maio, é uma atualização. E parece que vai ficar assim por pelo menos dois dias...
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO That was my thought when I saw the news. It's like.... I love this forum, 2 days without it will make me go mad.
  7. Parabéns pelo progresso! Vou testar agora mesmo...
  8. Heya! And sure the first Mun landing is progress. OMG I read the whole post and didn't understand the "lefty" thing, and then I read your username and BAM *AH
  9. Lack of scientific accuracy just so the plot can work. black holes that suck people randomly so that the main character will have to learn the basis of survival on his own might be an example
  10. *Almost* ninja'd... There's a video about this. And, if you're too lazy to watch the video (I don't know why you wouldn't.) It's not possible YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
  11. 6/10 just lots of achievements and Scott Manley. Maybe Build Fly Dream....
  12. Jeb: YAY!!! BIll: Not bad! Bob: WUT! I'm not gonna fly on that thing! Me: Yep, everyone agrees. This rocket is the safest I've ever built! 2 secs later... Me: NEEDS MOAR BOOSTERS!!
  13. Só eu que achei que o nome da nave é uma referência a Portal? XD
  14. Yep, that's right, this forum is the best. Or maybe THE forum...
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