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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Granted, but I will do it(actually, I AM doing it). I wish I could travel back to 60's and see Vostok ascending live from Baikonur.
  2. Correct!!!!! But as it has many bugs and everytime it explodes my rocket, I'm not using it that much. The user below me lived in the 60's.
  3. Banned for liking to be called Darth Trololo
  4. Banned for banning me for being a human
  5. What program should I use for doing this, looks funny.
  6. Nope, the kraen never atacked me. The user below me made a giant self-sustaining Laythe base.
  7. This is amazing, I love to see these!
  8. I played it, very funny, but then the hole space station start to grow and it become hard to crontrol the tourists(yes, they'te pretty annoying).
  9. 2/10, saw you on the "ban the user above you' thread.
  10. banned for hating Jeb and for launch an SRB in the wrong direction.
  11. AMAZING INCREDIBLE NEED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks for doing this amazing job!
  12. Cadê as missões, será que a OISP faliu?
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