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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. They had many ideas for moon landing,the part which someone says "Space Transportation System?" is very cool, cause they said that it was and unimaginative, but later, they would choose this name as the oficial name for Space Shuttle.
  2. we collapsed all things How can this become worse?
  3. false the user below me hates space kraken.
  4. Já faz tempo, tanto é que está difícil de achar ele no forum, tive que pesquisar pelo nome, Space Computer, é mais ou menos um Apollo Guidance Computer.
  5. You obliterated our galaxy Don't add two words
  6. Alguém pode me dizer como se instala isso? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48428-Space-Computer-Brought-to-you-by-kOS-and-hopefully-many-nerds?highlight=space+computer%2C+brought
  7. banned for being online while i am banning you
  8. TRUE The user below me has a customized shoe.
  9. Os vídeos estão demais, igualmente o blog, que está ficando demais!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. granted, but Pluto isn't a planet anymore cause everytime someone discover another dwarf planet, if these was considered planets, our solar system would have a great amount of planets. I wish that capitalism collapses, causing the end of many of the current problems we have;
  11. False The user below me is waiting for Terraria 1.2 mega update. 7 days
  12. Banned for quotating someone with "K" in his name in your signature.
  13. Banned for not telling me how to have signatures and banned me for not having signatures
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