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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. This has made my experience in the SPH sooooo much better thank you i can finnally make nice looking gliders and sail planes
  2. Also account for the change in mass as the fuel is burnt up, if you burn up all your fuel on launch, the CoM could've moved a lot
  3. thanks for that ^ but how well does the physics engine process drag? would i be able to have a positive stability on the elevators, so it will naturally want them to be parallel with the AoA. like a dart? help prevent spins and tumbling?
  4. As an aspiring aerospace engineer (yea right) I spend a majority of my time in SPH. i am getting pretty good at making really easily controllable planes that look ugly or Nice looking planes that fly like pieces of crap So i request a good method of increasing pitch stability, while still looking nice Looks nice = Bad control Looks Average = Great Handling
  5. Love the stability feature other than that very very nice
  6. I am very very sad, lost a lot of hard work and time, due to physics time warp... in the descent stage in Eve using parachutes and boosters to slow me down, and was at the parachute's full extension altitude at 4x time warp... now my ship is now everywhere but at the landing site. it was incredible violent "disintegration" but somewhat entertaining for all you other impatient pilots out there, take this to heart. I hope for a fix to the physics muck ups during time warp... soon
  7. sweet thanks. I'll look into that mod if not those small axtra tanks might be an idea
  8. when transferring fuel between tanks (from a single large centre to many small outer) i need to be able to get an equal amount in each of the small tanks... but cant Furthermore, i want to get the ratio of oxidiser to propellant right... but i cant with out doing it manually. any trick to get it right?
  9. There is a mech jeb tool that does the "T-20:00 minutes to Launch" thing. while in ascent auto pilot, down the bottom there is a "Time launch for rendezvous" click that and it should let you set a target and auto warp to T - 15 seconds and let you sit back and watch the launch. However i think you have to set your own apo and peri altitudes still and your orbit inclination. hope it helps
  10. I'm planning on setting up a network of satellites around all the planets Can someone please help me work out the altitudes for geostationary orbit around each planet. Maybe some funky equation with planet, ship mass, and altitude, for variables. That would be great Timpossible Out
  11. How did you get multiple command modules?? mods?
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