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Everything posted by wooaa

  1. I have started using a LOT more SRBs in order to keep costs down. I am also starting to take a good look at making a working SSTO so I can have a better profit margin.
  2. Thats what I do. I just get airborne then do an immelman turn. It is a lot of fun with a big bomber.
  3. Ture, but the fortress dwarves are much more eccentric. although the Dwarves in the RA Salvator books are for the most part normal, they just curse and drink a bit more than humans.
  4. You plan transfers? I just go when I feel like it and find a way to make it work. I will admit that it is very fuel intensive but i find it fun.
  5. Does the refinery still collect resources if it is not the active vessel?
  6. I have a few questions about what some of the resources are used for. What does nitrogen and hydrogen from the atmo scoop do?
  7. I have not found a reason to do in orbit assembly. So far my Interplanetary space program consists of one half orange and 2 nuclear engines, pluss what micro probes I slap on it. Bare in mind that right now a I am just now starting to go beyond Kerban's SOI.
  8. I googled " space sandbox game" and it was around the bottom of the first page.
  9. Using a small design that was only a sputnik probe, a Z-1k Rechargeable Battery Bank and 12 OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels I got 0.478 G. Anyone else do better?
  10. I often don't put parachutes on my ships because I am too impatient to watch them drift down to the surface.
  11. I mainly specialize in what I call carrier spacecraft. A spacecraft that can split up to smaller craft to accomplish a lot of different missions in one launch. An example is a craft with a main thruster body ( aprox 4000∆v), 2 micro probes ( 2500∆v but only 1 tone), and a glider (0∆dv). I send this to duna and I can set up a kethane scanner or communication aray depending on the mods I use. Other craft can send a handful of one way rovers to the mun. The down side of this method is that these craft tend to be rather heavy ( the one I described was a whopping 36 tones), and making one carrier is usually like design 4 or 5 individual spacecraft then glueing them together. Its hard but a lot of fun.
  12. Scot manly for educational/ amazing feats of engineering. danny2462 for utterly ridiculous stuff. Finaly Robbaz for glORioUs viking teknology and some of the most entertaining commentary and fails on youtube.
  13. Maybe it could be an optional feature? That way people that want it can have it, but KSP would still be playable offline.
  14. You might want to message Scot Manly on youtube. He might be able to answer your questions better than I. I know there are a few people on the site that have a science background, unfortunately I am not one so I don't think my answers will be useful.
  15. anyone know how to get rid of Actinides? they are really cloging up my reactors. I set my lab to repurpose fuel and i have extra fuel tanks but no luck.
  16. I couldn't hit the button fast enough. I am surprised X rebirth was an option. I bought the game and it was very bad.
  17. Scot Manly Unlocked most of the tech tree in 2 missions. He probably could have finished it in 3 if he wanted.
  18. Good for you. landing a plane is much harder than getting them in the air.
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