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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. You need to switch the Sabre engines to rocket mode. To do this you can either right click the engines while in flight and select switch mode or make an action group for the engines in the construction warehouse. The latter option is better.
  2. Step One: Press F2 in game to take the screenshot Step Two: Using Windows Explorer, go to your game directory and enter the "Screenshots" folder. (Example file path: C:\Games\Kerbal\Screenshots\) Step Three: Upload your screenshot to a site such as http://www.imgur.com or http://minus.com/ Step Four: Copy the "Direct Link" URL Step Five: Paste the direct link to your post and type around the link. (example: ) Step: Six: Submit your post.
  3. I tend to think this was pretty cool: <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/gIvu3/embed"></iframe> Stock SSTO cube.
  4. 'eh, I got it into orbit. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/gIvu3/embed"></iframe> Here's the file if anyone wants to mess with it: [ATTACH]34371[/ATTACH] Edit_1: Stock, btw
  5. Here you are: 147 piece version: [ATTACH]34328[/ATTACH] Stage 3 of this thing ends at around 3,900m/s -and I'm afraid that's as small as that line of rocket gets.
  6. Not sure if this is what you meant but... I lost that extra 1k m/s due to a sub optimal launch/initial burn. :/
  7. I'll take that as a compliment Thanks! The Saturn V rocket used for the Apollo missions was ~69 times more massive! (I'm assuming Kerbal units = metric. ;D )
  8. Ouch! Since I still run a Core2Duo, I figured not many people would have a slower PC than me. :x Launching ships becomes a slideshow right around 375 parts for me (in v.17 -in v.16 that number was around 200). ...170 parts Challenge accepted! Edit_1: Completed!
  9. My PC simply can't handle any rocket large enough to complete this challenge without ejecting stages. :/ Perhaps if I downloaded a save editor to place a ship in orbit, etc. But that'd mean installing yet another mod. >.>
  10. By chance I got a Duna intercept course while testing this rocket: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/22846-All-Purpose-Stupidly-Powerful-Direct-To-Solar-Rocket-%28Slow-PC-Friendly%29-Stock O.o Anyways, I decided to go for it:
  11. This Rocket was designed to achieve solar orbit quickly and with enough fuel to do whatever afterwards -while using under 300 pieces. Launching this rocket is basically a hands off affair except for ejecting spent stages. The only orbits you need to worry about with this rocket are Solar/Destination. Just remember to enable ASAS before liftoff and go straight up. Lander and space stage: Engines on the stage that achieves solar orbit: Liquid/SRB Kerbin stage: Engine shot: Full View: SRB/Kerbin Stage: First Liquid Stage (clears Kerbin's atmosphere): Solar Orbit Stage (achieves solar orbit/empties at 3,500m/s): Engine view (The 6 little engines were added to control this stage): Space Stage (can go pretty much anywhere -including outside of the solar system): Lander/"Oh Sh!t, I'm going too fast!" Stage: Engine view: File: No Launch Scaffolds (278 pieces): [ATTACH]34199[/ATTACH] With Launch Scaffolds (290 pieces): [ATTACH]34200[/ATTACH] *Scaffolds aren't necessary for this rocket Edit_1: This is the ship's predecessor: http://imgur.com/a/sYsgE But it was a lagfest on launch, at ~450 pieces. Even though that ship brought ~25,600L of fuel into solar orbit, the new ship is more capable in every respect. Edit_2: For Giggleplex777: File: [ATTACH]34211[/ATTACH] It's not quite as versatile as the 278 piece version. As such, you'll have a smaller margin of error. Anyways, the rocket manages solar orbit with enough fuel in the space/landing stage to go pretty much anywhere. Edit_3: For joedude69: File: [ATTACH]34328[/ATTACH]Stage 3 of this version ends at around 3,900m/s (A tad excessive) O.o -and I'm afraid that's as small as that line of rocket gets. Edit_4: Scratch that File:[ATTACH]34334[/ATTACH] Much more stable, too.
  12. He said "mods are allowed," so go ahead and use it. He didn't specify which mods. Technically, this challenge's rules are somewhat contradictory. 'Mods but no .cfg edits' If you were to edit the .cfg file for a part, that'd be a mod in the truest sense of the term. Addon != Mod -and I'm just being pedantic. ;D
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