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Everything posted by Tommygun

  1. Someone posted this link the other day you might find useful. http://www.artificial-gravity.com/sw/SpinCalc/
  2. Well evolution works better when there are more mutations in the DNA. There are just more chances of a useful mutation (bad mutations tend to die off). So with two separate genders you get double the chances for a useful mutation. This gives bisexual reproduction an advantage over asexual reproduction and I'm assuming this advantage is why more complex animals use this method as they out bred and out numbered other species that used asexual reproduction.
  3. Scroll down to Jump procedure: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/JumpShip
  4. This is pretty much the best answer. The ship you are describing would be quite advanced and powerful.
  5. It's not really trisexual, but some frogs and I think some reptiles have the ability to change gender if there are not enough of the opposite sex around for most of a population to reproduce.
  6. Damned Robotics is nice when it works. Most of the stuff I make with it seems to become demonically possessed. Then it starts to fly around like Linda Blair and rips itself apart. I haven't really used it in the last few KSP versions though.
  7. Good lord, that's the biggest paperclip I have ever seen!
  8. Are you using more mods or more elaborate mods than you used to?
  9. Use the Sunbean laser mod: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sunbeam/
  10. What could be more Kerbal than a flying nuclear reactor. I always liked that Crowbar idea, not as a real plane, but just the technical side of it. A nuclear ramjet with unlimited range paired with this engine to get it up to ramjet speeds might be a fun combination.
  11. I always liked the concept of system defense boats over Space fighters. Basically short ranged mini spaceships probably something like space faring PT boats. Maybe a very small command ship with several unmanned but semiautonomous attack boats. I think you will need a manned ship somewhat close by to minimize radio time delay to the attack craft. Basically no dogfighting, just get close enough to make a hit first or have enough extra craft for multiple attacks and the last man standing wins.
  12. Well it wouldn't be the first time I have pulled fist's full of hair out in the VAB. I'm considering trying to build a glass office tower now.
  13. Damn kids showing off..............grumble, grumble, grumble............
  14. Yes, although it seems hard to build a big railgun that doesn't rip itself apart after a few shots.
  15. They are sometimes called Coil Guns. Here is a great site for this kind of thing: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacegunconvent.php#id--Kinetic_Kill_Weapons--Coil_Guns
  16. Nice mod, when I saw the title Glass-Box-Enclosure, I had an image of Kerbal mimes. I wonder if you could make triangle windows if it would be possible to build glass domes out of them?
  17. It sounds like you would end up with a less powerful particle cannon. I would think the projectiles would ether need larger mass or higher speeds to do enough damage.
  18. The part was called Air HAB I think and was by Nhnifong if that will help with searching. Edit: If you can't find a link to it, MP your Email and I can send you a copy of it.
  19. Is there room on the sides of these HAB/Base Units to attach TouhouTorpedo Omniwheels? I have had good luck with them when linking modular base parts together.
  20. Oh I see, so can you do it with a fixed 1.25m bottom part with an adjustable top diameter and possibly adjustable height? Then you would have three part categories 1.25m adapters, 2.5m adapters and 3.75m adapters.
  21. I agree, they are very useful for custom spacecraft. I'm assuming we would have the ability to set the top and bottom diameters as well as the height?
  22. It's not stock, but it has only two parts. Bobcat's seat and NovaPunch's Chiron lander legs. It reminds me of those proposed emergency Lunar return craft for Apollo that they never built.
  23. I voted no, if they had built it like a slightly larger Boeing X-37 it would have been fine, but the Air Force wanted a big space truck for hauling up large cargo. We were then stuck with a large vehicle that would always be expensive to launch due to its size.
  24. The last theory I read is that they think the multiple flakes are from the sky crane. They plan to zap one of the flakes with the laser soon to try and confirm this.
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