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Everything posted by LukeTim

  1. Same here. I know a couple have bought the game, but I have no idea how far they got with it.
  2. I first drank alcohol when I was about 3... my older brother and his friends used to give me little bits of beer to drink at parties and stuff. When I was 16 I started drinking properly... Got a little too drunk a number of times and quit when I was 19, and managed to stay off it for 3 years. I decided to start again a year ago because I do genuinely enjoy drinking for the taste (I've even recently got into Whisky), and I just try to make sure each time that I don't drink too much. I have gotten blackout drunk a couple of times in the last year, but it's been a lot better than when I was a teenager. Hopefully I will never get too drunk again... but there's always a risk I guess.
  3. If you haven't done so already, you might want to read this: http://www.amazon.com/The-Moral-Landscape-Science-Determine/dp/143917122X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348847289&sr=8-1&keywords=The+Moral+Landscape It's quite a compelling argument for Science's ability to contribute to discussions of morality.
  4. I have yet to use these three new features in 0.17... and that is primarily because I don't actually know how to use them to help me in building a rocket. I don't know where my centres ought to be for a well designed rocket... Does anybody know and can help us non-geniuses out by giving us a little guide?
  5. This is a great idea. I'm headed to bed right now, but I'll probably see if I can jump on tomorrow night for a bit.
  6. That's awesome, dude. The Saganator inspired me, too. I have a degree in Electronic Engineering and am currently working in the hopes that I can save money to pay for a Post Graduate degree in Astronautic and Space Engineering.
  7. He also seems to have a considerably sub-standard grasp of English. Even if it was his second, third, fourth language you would expect him to be able to use it well if he's an astronaut at NASA. Also, he mentioned being 29-31 when his supposed mars mission happens... NASA tends to go for older people to be astronauts. The youngest ever was 32... the oldest ever was in his 70s! On-Topic: I heard that the James Webb Space Telescope was going to be in orbit way out beyond the moon (1,000,000 miles?)... could that be in that langrangian point?
  8. Bill, Bob and Jeb are all currently orbiting Kerbol after running out of fuel during a missed shot for Duna.
  9. Must it be the right way up to be significant?
  10. Guys... I haven't seen anyone notice this yet... Could be significant... or coincidence?
  11. You definitely have a persistent.sfs in your KSP\saves\default\ directory? Where are you running this program from? Looks like it expects to be run from KSP\...
  12. I think the LFEs are enough to get you into Orbit, it's just that the Boosters are sort of wasted because they're working all alone to lift your upper stages... The idea of boosters is to complement the LFEs and give them a "boost" to get them off the launch pad... allowing you to get more delta V for less liquid fuel usage... as long as your rocket isn't too heavy. A good improvement to your design might be to stick your boosters parallel to your lowest LFE stage using radial decouplers and have it all burn together at launch. I would try that next.
  13. Given that the closest thing to a Laptop I own is a tiny little Netbook, I play games on my Desktop PC.
  14. It has high Isp, sure... but it is heavy. It's designed for interplanetary missions, of course, and if you're just heading to The Mun or Minmus the lighter engines will still be a better option.
  15. At the distance from Kerbol that Jool is, unless at least one of its moons is humongous, there'll be no eclipses there. Transits across Kerbol, but no eclipses. Speaking of eclipses, though... I wonder if the Devs have any plans to implement umbral/penumbral shading on Munar Eclipses... I know that with the lighting system as it stands this isn't possible, but it'd be sweet to see it in the future.
  16. I can get pretty claustrophobic myself, but I reckon a flight in there is well worth it just to be in space for any length of time.
  17. If you slingshot around Duna it shouldn't be too bad, right?
  18. I suspect that's a bad angle which is making it look more cramped than it is... If this image is actually of the inside of a Soyuz craft like google images says it is then I suppose I am right.
  19. Seriously, on a budget like yours AMD is the way to go. I know a few years ago Intel ruled supreme, but modern AMD processors are perfectly fine and will run KSP well. Not to mention the machine that TNTGODZZ linked has a much better graphics card than that... Cutting down on CPU price by going AMD allows you to get a better GPU which is what is most important in gaming. This machine which TNTGODZZ linked: http://www.cclonline.com/product/82442/NoMfgCode/All-CCL-Desktops/CCL-Elite-Hawk-II-Gaming-PC/CCL-EL-HWK2/ is more than capable of running KSP and will do so better than the ones you have suggested. Also, gaming benefits more from clock speed than number of cores... and that one has a higher clock than the one you propose.
  20. I agree there should be a difficulty setting like this, though I think it should be called Kraken.
  21. To call that thing a "gaming PC" is laughable.
  22. Yes, it could be used for this. You can program it to do pretty much any flight you want, as far as I know.
  23. Wait... what? I thought jet engines worked by igniting compressed air and forcing the hot exhaust out the back... How do you achieve that with nuclear technology?
  24. Can anyone get a 3840x1080 screenshot of KSP I can use as my desktop background? Like, perhaps you could stitch two 1080p screens together? I'd do it myself, but my PC can't run KSP on max settings so it won't look as good.
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