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Everything posted by Migratory_Coconut

  1. I want to be able to put normal thrusters on my space stations as well as precision jets so that I can build a station in orbit around kerbin and then launch it to whatever other planets we have later in the game, on the principal of Space Station + FTL engine = Mothership.
  2. For manoeuvring, I imagine that the pilot selects an engine or group of engines and controls them with the throttle, like with a normal spacecraft. There should also be an autopilot module that, given a task containing a target altitude, orbit roundness, roll, and whatever other positioning requirements you may come up with, will use the engines you give it as it sees fit to achieve that target. Also, I imagine that in multiplayer (which I believe is necessary to KSP's commercial success) space stations will need shield modules that stop debris or craft not belonging to the owner (or owner-specified 'guests') from entering the bubble. Otherwise stations would need constant repair due to space debris and griefers.
  3. So, how about engine and fuel modules for orbital adjustments? Or would such adjustments be done magically, as pitch/yaw/roll controls currently are?
  4. Perhaps a form of research to make 'adaptable' (name subject to change) versions of parts? An adaptable fuel tank would be designed to be pressurised with less leaks than a normal one, for example.
  5. Naturally. I envision space stations to be a very late-development addition, considering everything else we need to make them work. But that doesn't mean we can't plan for them now!
  6. I love this idea. LOVE. Space station construction will be one of the best parts of KSP if it turns out like this. Now if only I could get into a stable orbit...
  7. *Migratory pauses, hearing strange cries behind him. He turns, and his eyes alight on the most glorious of objects...* :hailprobe: *Several minutes later his eyes are burning from his unblinking stare, his throat is parched from repeating the holy phrase:* Hail Probe! *Suddenly, a piece of flaming fuel tank plummets from the heavens. The impact throws Migratory to the ground and separates his gaze from the probe. He gasps as his will returns. Careful to keep his eyes averted, he whips out his cell phone, hitting speed dial* HarvesteR, what have you done?! Role-playing aside, is this a sign that 0.9 will include the probe?
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