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Everything posted by HockeyToad28

  1. My luck well has not been the best with the new planets. I've tried for Duna multiple times but no luck although I have managed to smash into it once. Kerbin's moons are easy for me and now I'm mining kethane from the Mun to help with my trip to Duna.
  2. I have been there. That whole place was just so humbling. My heart goes out to those who risk their life for science.
  3. I feel a stupid for asking this but i've seen some people have the "original 3 kerbonauts" or one or two of them in a command pod but I have yet to get one. Why is this?
  4. vanilla parts. but i may get into mods when .17 comes out
  5. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this project Damion! I know everyone appreciates all your hard work or well at least I do! Thank you!
  6. I was thoroughly impressed! That was very cool!
  7. Ah the first landing! It was one of the most glorious days in the space program! It will never be forgotten congratulations good sir!
  8. Congrats on the safe landing! I myself today landed a 3 man command module on the mun for the first time safely and will be trying for home later. Although I still a haven't made it to minmus with anything but my time will come!
  9. Congrats!! You found a monolith! I have found this one but have not found any others. Still in search!
  10. I will most likely shoot for the Red Planet. Not really sure why. It's that or Eve and later on when i get more experienced in interplanetary travel i will head for one of the green planets' moons and maybe even smash into the green planet to see what would happen!
  11. Wow thanks for the info guys! Im very excited for this update! As someone said before my heart goes out to the brave kerbals that will be taking part in the first few missions.
  12. That is very impressive! I have yet to land a three man command module on the mun but that just gave me a motive to try even harder!
  13. Does anyone know exactly how many planets will be added in 0.17? Do you think they will add two or three or will they add more at once?
  14. Ah i see thank you I'll have to see what I can find.
  15. I'm not sure if this has already been found and I apologize if it has but one day i was messing with some space planes and I crash landed one a little ways away from the space center and next to where I crashed there was a black stone looking wall that had the Squad emblem and of course said Squad beneath. Once again I am sorry if this has already been mentioned before.
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