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Everything posted by ferrin

  1. You have got to be kidding me... i have tried 3 times now ( at least 10 hours worth) and never knew about the [ ] thing... I've always been able to click on controllable stuff lol thanks very much for the info bud
  2. well technically... any close approach to a gas giant would most likely end in the ship collapsing in on itself like a smashed beer can. The gravity is extremely intense on a body that size.
  3. Throttle down a bit. it's producing too much G force and stuff is getting squished.
  4. I dont really use for my smaller craft but when it comes to the lag fests that i seem prone to build.... it's a must. Especially if i intend on landing those gigantic beasts. Seriously though, for any kind of base construction or large scale rockets, There's nothing wrong with using it.
  5. This is actually caused from the fast change in warp speeds. It will in fact happen if you yourself change high warp speeds quickly and often. Occasionally... parts just drift away. Unfortunately, it's usually moving parts like vector capable engines. Mechjeb just does these so fast that it currently just rips the ship apart.
  6. or just add fuel lines to make sure all the fuel is properly connected.
  7. The kraken issue is actually a result of the Mechjeb unfortunately. At the moment, mechjeb is warping from 1x to 10000x and back to 1x so fast that it literally rips the ship apart. every time ive tried to use the 1.9.1 and even with the new 1.9.2 it has done this. Hopefully it gets a thorough update soon.
  8. Got my rover/return craft there no problem. Duna is a blast to cruise around on.
  9. My first attempt to Jool ended with my ship mysteriously falling apart while warping. My second attempt resulted in successful orbit of Jool and all of her moons. Unfortunately, on the way back (while warping) my ship was mysteriously ripped asunder once again. Not sure what's going on there but the voyage was decent nonetheless.
  10. My first attempt to Jool ended with my ship mysteriously falling apart while warping. My second attempt resulted in successful orbit of Jool and all of her moons. Unfortunately, on the way back (while warping) my ship was mysteriously ripped asunder once again. Not sure what's going on there but the voyage was decent nonetheless.
  11. Personally i began working on a Lander/Rover that is capable of exploration as well as full launch and return to Kerbin. Test basis has pretty much been ..launch whip around the sun, return to Kerbin, and relaunch to minmus
  12. "Apoptosis" that sounds like a crippling kerbal disease.
  13. Liar! Tell us about the future! Who wins the Super Bowl?
  14. As Celestial bodies get further and further out, you will need to utilize the surround objects to get you where you want to go. You will most likely need to use the Mun or Minmus to basically slingshot you out to whatever your aming for.
  15. That was one of my very first "visits" to the mun lol Jeb was getting lonely so I decided to just build a community around his stranded capsule.
  16. Took me almost 4 days to get this thing to fly right. Weighs almost 650 tons at the pad. No idea how much it weighs after dumping the stages off, but figured i'd share. Edit: sorry the image is huge. I can't seem to get the spoiler tag to work for me.
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