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Captain Lou

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Everything posted by Captain Lou

  1. WIththe new module, fuel anks and engines i\'m finding it harder to get into orbit. Two main problems: 1.) Rocket fails on launch pad. - Obviously the new patch has heavier components but still, what appears to be a good design will fail 20-305 of the time when set on the launch pad. What\'s puzzling is if its an issue like too much weight on a decoupler or something it should fail 100% of the time? 2.) the other, more puzzling issue is when the rockets appear ok, launch ok , even separate a stage or two ok, then the rocket spontaneously explode. past causes for this were having SRBs burning next to a liquid fuel tank, or engines overheating, but according to the read outs engines are fine and no SRBS are being used. I don\'t have a specific design to show, but has anyone else found building a non-assploding rocket has gotten much tougher in 0.16? any tips / tricks to look for when building with the new command module and fuel tank/engine combinations?
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