This is a project I\'ve been working on for a few days and have finally decided to release. The inspiration for the build came from a challenge to build the largest possible space station and it has slowly evolved into a beast of ridiculous proportions. So here it is, the Kerbin Conclave. The Conclave has a total of 1160 total parts, which should be taken into account if you plan to try it out. Don\'t expect a solid framerate, and the camera is extremely jerky because of it. The station is divided into 2 sections by a horizontal disk of 12 arms which extend outward from the center tower. Each arm is 25m long, giving a total diameter of 53m and a central tower height of 42m. Now let\'s get on to specs. The main habitation towers are located on the 12 radial arms, and the power supply rests in the center tower of the station. It has 224 2m habitation modules accompanied by 36 1m habitation modules to satisfy anyone\'s desire to put an entire city population into orbit. The station is powered by 2 3m nuclear reactors to reduce dependence on flimsy solar panels. The station is armed with a total of 144 railguns, 72 located on each side of the disk. The guns are further broken down to 4 per fully rotatable turret, allowing the station to track and fire upon multiple targets at once. Note: Only 2 guns are shown in screenshots, the others were added later and I didn\'t redo screens. Also 1m habs seem to be missing in these screens, they are located 1 each on end of 2m hab stacks that don\'t have guns. Instant orbit is needed to get this thing off the ground. Unfortunately I have yet to get 0.14, and have not been able to get it into orbit in one piece using the old instant orbit. You may have noticed some debris in the screens. However I am confident it can be done using the orbit adjuster if you build a base to raise it up above the launch tower. Such a tower is actually shown below, however I lost the save. A couple other shots are shown to give a scale compared to the launchpad. Have fun with the station and good luck with getting it into orbit. In the event your tower fails to hold it up, expect explosion porn.